Monument to Pro-Life: The Birth of Sean Preston

Britney giving birth. What a girl! You just don't see that kind of calmness, consideration to the bear rug or dedication to sticking your ass out so by birthing women nowadays.
Monument to Pro-Life: The Birth of Sean Preston, believed Pro-Life's first monument to the 'act of giving birth', is purportedly an idealized depiction of Britney in delivery. Natural aspects of Spears' pregnancy, like lactiferous breasts and protruding naval, compliment a posterior view that depicts widened hips for birthing and reveals the crowning of baby Sean's head.I haven't been able to find anything out anything about the Manhattan Right To Life Committee regarding this, my connection is fucked and I'm unable to look it up properly, but judging from the artist's past, he's probably having a laugh with the whole thing. At Salon they investigated, and so far it seems to be for real.
The monument also acknowledges the pop-diva's pin-up past by showing Spears seductively posed on all fours atop a bearskin rug with back arched, pelvis thrust upward, as she clutches the bear's ears with 'water-retentive' hands.
Capla Kesting denies the statue was developed from a rumored bootleg Britney Spears birth video. The artist admits to using references that include the wax figure of a pole-dancing Britney at Las Vegas' Madame Tussauds and "Britney wigs" characterizing various hairstyles of the pop-princess from a Los Angeles hairstylist. And according to gallery co-director, David Kesting, the artist studied a bearskin rug from Canada "to convey the commemoration of the traditional bearskin rug baby picture."If he's actually getting money from them it would be really funny.
Stolen again shamelessly from Pandagon.
Beyond tasteless into the realm of...bizarre simulacrum propaganda art? Who the hell knows?
Could be marketed as an aid to dieters everywhere: One look at that and you don't want to eat all day.
Come on Denny, be charitable, I think she's in remarkably good shape considering she's pregnant, even her belly is pop diva acceptably small.
I wonder what the young mother herself has to say about this?
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