I'm not even going to tell you what this is. I want you to guess. I'm thinking it's the followers Orzak, the giant nudist who lives in the mountains following their beginning of spring rituals, but I could be wrong.

That one guy looks a little unsure. Smite him!
Link is broken. :(
Well the link is fixed and the photo is showing now. I posted this yesterday and had just enough time to check it and realise it was all screwed up before my connection decided to quit working altogether. It's maddening!
And Chymera is right, though I suspect you saw this photo before didn't you? It seems you have to have more than just a pretty nude to compete on Yahoo's most emailed photos these days with all the cute animals out there, but one artist managed to do it. Get a whole city block full of naked people, that should do it.
Looks like a gathering of Blogger's to me - up each other's asses as usual! What we'll do to get comments! The guy looking up is the one in a hundred who feels badly for selling his soul, but he's so weak and embroiled in the system he can't get out.
Which reminds me of a joke I heard many eons ago:-
A man passing by a monastery wall pauses when he hears a voice, "form a circle!, form a circle!". He shrugs and continues his walk.
After travelling a few more paces he hears it again, more insistent this time, "form a circle! form a circle!". Still not interested, he continues to walk.
But the cry gets desperate and shrill, "form a circle! form a circle!".
His interest piqued, the man climbs a handily placed tree and peers over the monastery wall to see...
...a line of monks, naked, each one sodomising the one in front. The poor wretch at the back hysterically shouting, "form a circle! form a circle!".
By the way, I loved your joke, "what do you get hanging from apple trees?". Marvellous.
DB you are wicked. Nice to hear your witty input on this.
Evil One, I couldn't resist this one. You know I love to play the caption game, that's why I love Carla's site.
Anyway, sweetie, I thought I'd leave my inimitable footprint, dahhhhling!
PS. You never said if you liked the joke. I tried it out on my mate lunchtime and he managed a smirk!
I almost forgot. At the risk of sounding "sucky-uppy", I thought your comment, "That one guy looks a little unsure. Smite him!", a classic. The pic could have stood with that comment alone. Credit where it's due dude!
Thanks, in fact, aw shucks.
Yes, I liked the jokes. You can't go wrong with monks really, they are an inexaustible source of humour.
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