Czech gays may now have their civil unions recognised. Not exactly marriage, but close. The vote was passed yesterday, overturning a veto by President Vaclav Klaus.
He had argued the legislation amounted to excessive regulation by the state of people's private lives.A bullshit argument if I ever heard one. Most likely he just doesn't like gays because he thinks they're yucky. Or "fuj" as you would say in Czech.
In a statement released after the vote, Mr Klaus said the result was not a personal defeat but rather "a defeat for all of us who believe that the family in our society is fundamental, unique, unrivalled".Gays are "fuj" again. The only advice to people who are bothered by this is to say, "just don't think about it". You won't notice anything at all. The only people who it's going to make any bit of difference to are the people who will use it, and they are not opposed to it.
The BBC's Rob Cameron in Prague says Czech society is one of the most secular and sexually liberal in Europe.True, and true in a way. The Czech Republic in some ways is known to be a little behind on issues like feminism, racism and gay rights, in some ways, in other ways no. Of course, that was then. Before Vladko.

Vladko Dobrodovsky (right) and boyfriend Robert. Vladko is the winner of last year's Vyvoleni, the Czech Republic's first reality show. Oh he flamed, he ranted,he argued, he cleaned, he cooked, he cut off his long black mane, he went off about every little thing and developed a crush on co star Michal, but people loved him.
If you want to thank/blame anyone for this turn of events, he's the guy to call.
The comment on your post was actually very tongue in cheek and not really related to this.
I think that Klaus' objection was mostly because he considers himself what Americans would call "conservative", and wants to emulate their views on issues. The comment about regulating people's private lives sounds just like what they would say. But I'm just guessing, I could be wrong.
I don't know of any valid objections to letting gay people marry, or whatever the civil union is called. The only objections there seem to be is "I don't like it", by people whom the marriages of other people are not going to affect in the slighest. It's really just a load of qmnyobm.
I was pretty much parodying the fear of "gays taking over" in the US and anywhere else it happens to me. I just wasn't partiucularly thinking of this development when I wrote it.
Oh and fuj is pronounced something between "fuy" and "foy". And it's just Czech for "ew".
Very glad to hear that. Maybe in the next hundred years the US will recognize same sex unions. But i personally think marriage is wayyy overrated. I'm not Christian; I think it's high time we had opposite sex "unions" and not calling it marriage. Till death due us part? Hell no, until i get tired of your ass!!
I'm pretty much the same. I don't see the point in marriage, and I think one day it will be a thing of the past, people will just be together how they want to be without it being condoned by the government or the church or anything. But for the moment our society still values marriage and gives married people all sorts of benefits and to at least allow everyone to get them is going somewhere.
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