My blog has just been rejected by one of those listing sites. Here I was thinking that I had a well written blog, and above all family friendly blog, and I was rejected! It's no big deal really, it's not like I'm not linked all over the place, but why?
They do suggest that any blogs with "adult content" be placed in the appropriate category, but come on, anyone looking up adult blogs would be rather disappointed to find me babbling on about my quite uninteresting life with only the odd nipple here and there.
Perhaps the reviewer was a sensitive religious person who was somewhat put out by my insinuations that our Creator is a less than totally sweet dude. Well, if that's the case then I have a message for them.
God is a big fat dildo, and he's really, really mean! Sometimes.
Oh and another thing.

That'll show em.
1 comment:
I am sick of "adult content", Before you know it they will be saying that everything is adult content. If a kid is going to go pycho over a breast, then we have bigger issues in society!
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