
Back to Godliness

I missed again last week, but after the Reign of Darkness failed to come about after my brief flirtation yesterday, I figured I'd be best to get back to my usual godliness. Bible Study it is.

REV 2:16... "Repent; or else I will come unto thee quickly, and will fight against them with the sword of my mouth."
a) Look, I'm giving you one last chance. You've been a total dickhead all your life but now you can just say sorry, you are the ruler of the Universe, the best and most righteous guy ever bla bla bla and we'll wipe the slate clean ok? Dude, you totally don't want to know what will happen if you don't.

b) You're going to Hell, Hell, Hell!!!! And I don't mean some small town outside of Detroit where everyone is getting over their hangovers today, I mean the real Hell, the one where there's wailing and gnashing of teeth and people whipping you all the time. Oh unless you say sorry that is.

c) On your knees bitch!

I'm getting worse at these all the time. If anyone can do better, go right ahead.


Anonymous said...

I think there's a typo here and a mix up from the original translation. With the word "unto" I think the first character is wrong. On a QWERTY keyboard the 'I' is next to the 'U'; an easy mistake to make. And the final phrase, should read, "and you will bite against my sword with your mouth"

So... the revised quote is: "Repent; or else I will come into thee quickly, and you will bite against my sword with your mouth.".

So... I would say the correct meaning is... 'C' - On your knees bitch!

Cranky McGee said...

"Sword of my mouth" sounds like the author is trying to get fresh with the ladies. He's bragging about his cunnilingus skills. That's John for ya though... always thinking about the pink.

The Culture Ghost said...

I think you're doing just fine. Consider the text you're working with...

Anonymous said...

i think that is excellent. I love your interpretations!!!