Site stats keep dropping and I'll be fucked if I'm going to make the effort to write something for you ungrateful cunts. Being blog obsessesd however I have to post something, so here's a photo I took a few weeks ago of Prague's famous dancing building, touched up a little. I'm quite proud of how it turned out.
Originally uploaded by Mutant Cat.

We aren't all ungrateful!!!
Love It! You should sell that one. What a talent. be proud!
I'm sorry guys, I didn't mean to talk about you like that, I'm thoroughly ashamed of myself.
It's those other c***ts who aren't bothering to f***king read my s***y blog who are t***kr w***ks p***led!
I felt guilty for not commenting, and being easily intimidated, your outburst made me feel I'd better say something.
Seriously, I love what you've done with that pic. With the clouds, and the strange wonkiness on the front, It's very surreal, in a menacing way. When I first saw it, I was convinced you'd 'wonkified' it yourself in Photoshop.
Wonkified? Does that mean I know my shit? I'm flattered.
Michelle, you're spot on. "Wonkified" means just that. I was slightly concerned I might have gone over your head using a technical term, but you've obviously learned a lot in a very short amount of time. I've always thought of you as a "no shit, knows her shit" kind of girl! Does that make any sense?
Not really, but sense is often overrated.
The term "no shit", as I understand it, means someone who's not false, unpretentious, and generally straightforward. Help any?
You're right, "sense" is often overrated.
Yeah, the cunts.
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