
Wah, they're having more fun than me!

It's so unfair, lesbians get to have hot wild sex without having to worry about ending up with one of those icky child things, they can just go at it for hours without even thinking about such things. And that is why gays shouldn't allowed to marry, because it's just not fair. For real.

'the fact remains that lesbian and gay couples do not risk an unwanted pregnancy that could result in a traumatic, morally troubling abortion or the birth of a child who must be relinquished for adoption or whose parents are simply unprepared to adequately care for him or her. This uniquely heterosexual risk could argue for special compensations.

And I always thought it was cuz gays were yucky.

I mean, never mind arguing for more affordable, available, effective contraception, making things better for the heteros, therefore leaving no need to punish those oh so fortunate homosexuals, oh no, we compensation for all their fun!

via PunkAssBlog.


Anonymous said...

What I want to know is, on what grounds do we believe others are getting "hot wild sex"? The only one I can think of is, "cuz they tell us so". Like... yeah! The rug is always munchier on the far side of the hill, if you know what I mean.

Michelle said...

I don't even think that they are telling anyone about how great their sex lives are, or if they are these people aren't the ones they're telling it to. No, they're just imagining that someone else somewhere might be having a better time than them and are pissed off about it.

Billy said...

Let's not forget that it is very difficult for lesbians to get STDs. Which is why I only ever engage in lesbian sex. Being a boy makes this somewhat tricky...

Mr Angry said...

uhuhuhuhuh, hot lesbian sex. That's all I need to hear.

Michelle said...

Welcome back Chymera! I'm looking forward to seeing the photos.

Cranky McGee said...

What a bizarre argument against gay marriage. I have never heard that one before. Most of the time, it's Bible quoting.

I think lesbians should be allowed to get married with one stipulation... us guys get to watch. j/k

Michelle said...

Hmm, have to disagree with you there. I mean if any women should be able to do whatever they want with their own lives without regard to what men want, (and of course every single woman without exception should so it's redundant saying this) then lesbians should. And I doubt they'd want a man around, seeing as they're lesbians.