You know, those things.
I get irked a lot. I have a lot of irrational things that just bug me, in fact, I started, I think a series of dumb stupid irrational things that piss me off, or something like that, and it sort of petered out even though the things that annoy me that are just, well dumb, didn't go away, nor did new stuff stop showing up. I guess I just stopped writing in general.
Of course, there are plenty of things that get on one's goat, that burrow themselves under one's skin, that needle one that ruin, if not one's entire day at least a minute or four which are entirely reasonable. There are a lot of these. When you combine all of them with the stupid shit that exasperates me, it adds up, and makes for a rather irritating time.
Today I experienced one of the latter. A very mundane boring thing that we all experience and we all get pissed of at. Yes, literally everybody both experiences and finds this particular thing vexing, it's just that universal. I went shopping, for food and stuff in a supermarket when one gets that sort of thing (yes, literally everyone does) and there were tons of people in the line. It was leading out into the aisles, you know, where you have to squeeze to get past people while you're still shopping? Yes, like that. So that sucked, but what really pissed me of was there was a ton of people working there, they were just too fucking busy getting in my way every time I tried to turn a corner or check on something and seriously, every fucking time I took a step a member of staff was in my way, or walked right by with some boxes.. not many but some, and didn't even bother to slow down or turn slightly so I wouldn't be squashed into the shelves when they went by even though they saw me in plenty of time to do one of the two, either one, they had a choice, but still, they go bowling into me, sort of. In any case, I've never seen so many staff in a supermarket at any one time, couldn't move for them, but still...
Well there were but not enough for the number of customers in the store, hence the long lines.
Those things that just irk.
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Labels: annoying shit, shopping, supermarkets
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Yeah, I know what you mean. Come the revolution, those fucking supermarket staff will be first up against the wall... inconsiderate fuckers!
exactly.. I mean, when you need someone to help you find something, no one there! but when you just need to get your shit done without tons of people with boxes and crap getting in your way.. they're fucking everywhere!!! except fro the registers of course.. who plans this stuff? I would put them against the wall first.
And what about buses? I mean like, fuck! You never see one when you want one, but other times, they're cluttering up the roads! Is that irksome or what?
yes, exactly!!!
actually don't really have that problem, the transport is pretty good here, especially since we got our trams back, and they put a stop right in front of our door, before we had to walk all the way down the street a little!
if you'd mentioned this during the long summer of replacement buses, I would have taken the opportunity to go on and on and on about it.
I do have plenty of public transport related peeves though, they are however, mostly the irrational sort. I will get to talking about those at some point, the ones I haven't already written about somewhere back there, and most likely also the ones I've already written about.
I commute to work by train. I have one HUGE peeve - people (cept for the pretty women who smile and don't make me feel like a perv because I had the nerve to check them out). Anyway, yeah, people on trains, invading my space and smelling! Ugh!
damn those people.. bein there, riding the train like they have to go to work and stuff..
yeah, people are annoying, I get really tired of them too, in general
Which is why, on my day off, I'm settled indoors, instead of getting out and about. I get few people traipsing through my living room.
hehe, one would hope..
my place used to be like that, but in recent months.. well, let's just say we have more visitors than we used to. I do generally quite like them though, so there's that.
oh and therre's the kitty, who's currently on a table beside me rustling whatever she can, and threatening to knock things off it if I don't go and fill her bowl.. again. This happens often. Still, I do like the comfort of home. Especially in the drizzle... but I'm cross commenting there, I think, whatever you call it when you reference another pots in a comment, is there a word for that?
Cross-commenting sounds about right, and as far as I know, you can't be prosecuted for it. Indeed, who can blame you for the constant barrage of comments received from a highly caffeinated Englishman, who also has a pussycat sitting nearby, though in this case, he's asleep.
I wouldn't blame myself, though maybe I should. Kitty here is now on this table.. no, now she's jumped off, but she was crawling around the keyboard in front of the screen then nearly knocking my coffee over.. she does that. Stay tuned for more kitty updates ;)
Stanley (the cat) remains motionless. Asleep, I think, though I can't be sure. If he doesn't move for more than a day and begins to stink, I'll get concerned, but till then, I'm happy with his silent company.
My feet are cold. Maybe the wearing of socks is in order.
If my messages become too exciting, too interesting, let me know and I'll tone them down!
getting there getting there, but I can still handle it..
Cooley (our kitty) is currently.. ahem.. sitting calmly on the kitchen counter, as if she's allowed to be there.. looking at me..
excuse me while I go chase a cat off a kitchen counter :/
Are you ready for this? It's a bit personal...
I'm wearing socks now. Oh what a difference even the thinnest pair make.
ok.. well, I have to say, that is very sensible of you, very sensible indeed.
:-( I know. It's come this, after all the expectation, the ambition... I become sensible. What a fucking bummer!
well.. as long as you mix it up with a bit of recklessness then that's ok..
it's alright to be sensible sometimes, especially when it's like this.. really, it is ok.
Really? It's okay? You sure I wont be shunned in the circles that matter? That I wont become the target of cruel jibes or worse, invisible?
Well, I can't promise anything, but I think as long as you keep it to times when it's appropriate, you'll mostly be ok.
So tell me, how sensible are you? :)
about a 4 1/2
depending on what scale you use
A scale of 1 to 5? Hmmm... guessing... I doubt it.
1 to 10? I suspect I'm getting warmer.
I wont go further for fear of insulting you :)
well this particular scale is out of 100...
though I think I'm rating myself a bit high
My heroine! *clasps hands with delight*
You ever considered your life a work of Art? You certainly don't live according to prescribed ideas, which is immensely cool.
aw shucks.. and here I am thinking I'm a complete waste of space.. never having actually done much in the way of art, or anything really..
but if you count me, that is my existence.. my life if you want to call it that, empty of much action of any sort that it is, a work of art well.. that kind of lets me off the hook for everything, or rather, a lack of much of anything..
You think living in a suburban semi-detached, working in an office, having 2.5 kids, a car, and a barbecue (just to keep up with the neighbours) is a life? There's a lot to be admired about your life. I'm serious.
oh it's not necessarily that which I aspire to, or ever did, and I realize my life is somewhat unconventional though, really not so much, but I more admire the kind of people who do stuff, ie people nothing like me, mostly creative stuff, and actually going places, being involved in life around them, my life is mostly, well, right here where I am, sure I write a lot, now I am anyways, and take photos but there's so much more I could be doing, and just living..
I believe I've gone on about this more than once.. but generally that
Well, it wouldn't do not to strive a little, to be somewhat dissatisfied, would it? Occasionally I meet self-satisfied people and I have to go find a quiet place to vomit :)
Those people are the worst. When the revolution comes, they will be first against the wall.
grrrr.. smug self satisfied people...
* imagines having a machine gun, epaulettes, and a peaked hat with "one of the bosses" written across it's front!* I can't wait for the Revolution!
me neither, that would be awesome..
*gets video camera ready*
It'll be video'd? Oooeer... I'd better get my hair cut... maybe a bit of guy-liner too?
whatever look you want to sport..
some kind of revolutionary uniform would be appropriate, something with one of them boxy hats, unless you want to be hanging out with the smugs and the store clerks.. be careful, you don't want to choose the wrong side in this
I don't care as long as I'm all official and sporting a deadly weapon!
ok then, I'll get the costume department on it, they're uniforms, so all the revs will have to have the same one anyway.. can't have an army showing up looking like a bunch of ragtag hooligans, that would be undignified
No flares!!!
Dammit! I wanted us to be the Funky Revs..
oh well, back to the drawing board.
Coat fitted at the waist perhaps, and pleats somewhere? Being a rev is no excuse for not having style!
That's true, that's very true. How about a waistcoat? It could be the "Dapper Revs".
Good idea. And I could grow my hair long again, so when I was angry with "the men", I could flounce about, and it would bounce impressively :)
Hmm.. I'm not sure about the long hair thing, got to have some standards..
though I see you've already cast yourself in the role of a General or.. or.. one of them military commander guys already.. are we assuming a bit much at this point?
and a completely different note, this comment thread has.. or will when I post, hit 40.. more comments than I've had in a thread since.. well ever I'm pretty certain.. so, should be a big deal, though I don't see why 40 is such a big deal, and I'm totally not referring to anything but the number of comments on this thread of course not don't be silly what else could I possibly be referring to?
Shit! I forgot, your Birthday is imminent, your FORTIETH! Is it today, your FORTIETH?
oh yeah.. totally forgot about that..I can see how you thought.. oh.. how silly of me to not even think of that.. hehe.. what was that? forgotten about it already
Happy Birthday to You
Happy Birthday to You
Happy Birthday Dear Michelle
Happy Birthday to You.
From good friends and true,
From old friends and new,
May good luck go with you,
And happiness too.
Tentative hugs :) :) :) :) :)
aww shucks..
it's not my birthday
It's cool, it's a long-life version of the song, so it'll keep.
ok.. but just so you know.. it's not yet.. still in my 30s.. still there
That's fine, just give me a big shout when your FORTIETH arrives, okay?
heh.. as if I won't make a big to do about it.. 40th or 60th or 100th.. it's my fucking birthday, and I will have the usual collection of themed articles for it.. might even admit what the number is
Okay, seems like I wasted my energy in trying to annoy you.
*feels embarrassed *
oh well.. you tried your best..
as for the comment count it's up to 50 now.. and that one truly has no other meaning...
50 comments on one post! I'm like, real popular and stuff!!!
*basks in the glory for about half a second*
Well, you should bask longer as it's me your talking to. Not just your bog-standard, common-or-garden, cyber guy!
* preening myself *
you do have a point..
*permits self to bask longer*
You are so sweet.
* snort *
sausages it is!
I'm dunking digestive biscuits into a very strong tea (everything in extreme). And would you believe, all this time afterwards, the cat is still by my side, motionless.
that's a cool cat.. although, this cat, since her last antic.. after which I fed her of course.. she's been snoozin.. she does a lot of that
You only got the one cat?
yep, just Cooley.. you've seen her I'm sure
Oh yes, I know about cooley, seen her too. It's not as though you don't blog about her :)
hey, she's my baby.. :)
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