Yesterday, morning the temperature here, at least as reported by one site, was 3 degrees on the celsius scale, that was the official temperature, but apparently it felt like 0. That is zero, no degrees. "Zero!" I cried, "have we hit that point already", I told myself.
The answer was no, because it was 3 degrees.
Then this morning came. I got online, visited the same place, this site that I use most often for getting my weather information and though I'd locked the cat out.. allowing me to sleep in, therefore coming to my weather information just a bit later, there was a big fat 0. Right there in the bit where they tell you the temperature, the actual official one. So if I'd asked myself the same question I asked yesterday then the answer would be "yes". It is that time of year, we've hit that point. Oh and it felt like -3.
I'm not really sure it did feel like -3. It probably wasn't (that is 0 degrees and feeling like -3) by the time I got out but it was damn cold. I went out bareheaded, because I was rushing to meet someone who was late to meet me anyway, and couldn't find my woolly toque (as some call it) in time, and I felt it. Really could have used it, though it was the middle of the day.
It's drizzly, misty, the trees are almost at their winter bare o leaves phase and it's certainly cold enough. Winter is certainly coming, and it's very near. Brace yourself for a long string of boring weather posts for the many months ahead.. assuming I actually keep up with blogging regularly, of course.
Freezing Point.
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Labels: temperature, weather, winter
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So you're living in England now? Sounds like it. You described yesterdays weather perfectly, and you know what? I think thermometers in general are flawed, usually showing 3 degrees above the actual temperature, cuz I'm the same as you, thinking, f.. f.. f.. fuck it just has to be sub-zero this morning, only to find the "authority" has it measured three degrees above!
What on earth is a toque?
A toque (pronounced "tuke" or similar) is a woolly hat, a beanie as I would have called it back in my little days. They seem to call it that in Canada, as far as I know nowhere else, except for where Canadians and people who hang out a lot with Canadians or a particular Canadian live.
Okay. It's official. You know, and maybe even hang-out with Canadians.
Yes, I do both of that. Those. I should have just stuck with yes.
But 'yes' seems kinda terse, rude even, so you did the right thing and padded it out a little.
you're right, I felt like I should say more so I did.
I feel like we're getting off topic here ;)
anyway, today is a degree or so warmer, still quite foggy and drizzly. Drizzly! Not fond of the drizzle, it seems so.. pointless. And kind of dreary but most of the wintry weathers are.
You noticed! It is off topic. It's a fair cop guvnor (governess?). I'm just in some kind of chatty mood, and you're my "victim".
yes I've noticed a lot going on in the comments recently, though to be honest, I don't mind at all..
quite enjoyable.. and I like seeing those numbers after the comments link.. fun to have those every now and again ;)
It's always a pleasure, Miss! Some days are just perfect for this kind of relaxed, unhurried conversation.
Yes.. definitely a perfect day for sittin on one's ass in a warm flat, must say, though I do whine about the drizzle it does make having the luxury of not having to dash off somewhere seem more.. er.. better. Yeah I really don't have much to complain about.
Of course, you don't expect that to stop me.. I do intend to put another post up at some point today so, I'm going to have to come up with something..
Maybe you could stun the blog-world, and publish a post entitled, In Praise of Being Alive on this God Given Wintry Day?
yes, I could, but I wouldn't want to steal another's idea.. you could always use it as a starting point, assuming you actually want to right something, some time..
of course, if it would be a proper winter day and snow, I could write it completely unironically, people just don't get the whole "yay it's snowing" reaction I have to snow.
Maybe I could use it for my next, eagerly awaited post? T'would have to be ironic though, I don't think happy-happy suit me.
you can use whatever you want..
and to be perfectly honest, I can't assure you I won't steal the idea.. I mean, I'll change at least one letter of the title, but, at least the very essence of it, maybe pop up here at some point
Well, it's not plagiarism, is it? It's only a title, and I'd be absolutely amazed if we happened to write the same post, character for character.
That would be unlikely. And if we keep the idea as broad as "writing about the weather" then, it's almost certain that both of us will write it at some point soon (ish depending on how soon you'll write anything at all).
"... depending on how soon you'll write" What could you mean? Hrrmph!
nothing, nothing at all..
but seriously, so much can be said about the rain
I've had moments in my life when I've been caught out in the rain, got drenched, and not cared a jot. Indeed, I've positively enjoyed it. But that's been a long time ago now.
Rain can be cool, especially if one is indoors looking out, watching a torrential downpour during an electric storm [slight quiver of pleasure at the thought]
oh yes, that's cool.. and sometimes rain at night, pattering on the roof.. summer downpours can be fun.. oh yeah, I didn't say it was all bad..
and it's important for the crops, can't forget the crops
Shit! I plumb did done forget the crops! Thanks for reminding me!
no problem there, I'm afraid most of my life is spent blissfully not even thinking that there is such a thing as crops, and this in a mostly vegan household where we even had a delivery of fresh vegetables, recently (ish) I really should be thinking more about how stuff grows and when it grows and where the stuff is grown..
*makes point to think more about the crops*
* Thinks about crops too *
Potatoes. Fried! Mmmmm... love chips, especially with a big fat angus-burger!
oh yeah.. mmm.. potatoes in all forms, particularly the various shapes that are cut up to be fried, or roasted..
mmmm. roast potatoes...
Chip butties! Crisps! Sliced potatoes, browned and sitting atop a Lancashire Hotpot!
chips of all kinds, the kind we call chips and they call chips, the kind I call chips and you call crisps, the kind they call fries and we call hot chips and the kind they call potato chips as if that narrows it down not that there aren't other kinds of chips that is the kind that are also called crisps but it's fair to assume potato as the default..
'cept for the chips used in casinos, they're not potatoey... though I guess they sell crisps and who knows, maybe some sell hot chips too? But I'm talking of the chips that represent money :)
yes, those chips aren't from potatoes, though if you end up with a lot of them, they can be turned into money, and money can buy chips.. the potato kinds, either kind, so there you go
it really is all about the potatoes
Was it some poet or philosopher who said, "Consider the Lillies"? They sure had the wrong focus, or maybe they didn't know about potatoes then? Henceforth, I shall consider the spud!
yep.. what did Jesus know? they didn't even have like.. plumbing, or tv then!
and of course they didn't have potatoes so.. he really didn't know what he was missing..
that should be "He" shouldn't it?
anyway, in our household we refer to potatoes as "pots" just to keep it short, so I shall henceforth be referring to them thusly here, if in fact the conversation continues and also keeps going in this direction that is, the discussion of the humble pot, if not well, it's for future reference
Well... it's a toughie... are we able to multi-focus on both pots and sausages? Tell you what I do like... sausage and chips, especially with a fried egg.
Consider the egg!
Thanks for reminding me it was out Lord Jesus Christ who said those immortal words :)
pots and sausages... mmm.. nice idea..
I like eggs too though we don't have them to much here, do have vegs sometimes, that's a sort of vegan version of scrambled eggs.. not quite like eggs but it serves the same purpose and they're pretty good, especially with loads of hot sauce which really, is all you need for a good meal..
pots, sausages, hot sauce.. what else?
Crispy bacon! Oh my God, I WANT simply at its mere mention. I've tried vege-rashers but wasn't impressed, though that was many years ago. Maybe they've come up with something better now?
I don't know, I haven't tried the vegan bacon which is called "facon" or "fakin" basically rhymes with bacon.. but using the word fake, get it? yeah yeah.. anyway don't know how it's spelt, but haven't tried it. Most of the vegan cheeses on the market are not to my liking, though one I tried in Vancover was good.. and Erik makes some good ones, particularly this one made from almonds, it's sorta vegan Balkan cheese, and in some ways it's like it, but really different enough to be it's own thing, but it's really good.. so there you go..
I'm not a vegan so I'm still on cheese.. too much really..
"Fakin"? Fakin hell!
Cheese is allegedly binding. Be careful :)
I always am. Well I never am, but you know what I mean.
I try to know what you mean, but textual medium as a means of communication is fraught with dangerous misunderstandings (said in grave tones). I often joke but don't make this obvious by attaching a smiley. I like to make the recipient wonder. Bwooooooah!
I do that sometimes too. Not in emails though, there's a whole bunch of smileys at the bottom of the page.. in gmail anyway and I kind of overuse those, I don't really know the codes for many of them so when I'm writing elsewhere I don't bother so much, and sometimes not at all.
* thinks - is she happy, sad, serious, joking, manic, depressed? *
Damn the lack of body-language
Like you'd reveal such personal information, and publicly too :) Your reserve is legend, so much so, one could mistakenly think you're British :)
hehe.. sausages..
*blushes and stuff*
* thinks - the blushing... for real? or irony? *
Guys love to think they've made gals blush... something to do with that damn ego again.
* goes all coy and giggles *
yes, it's that
and I know
I know you know. But did you know I knew you knew?
I've forgotten.
I think we were talking about pies or something..
no pots.. sausages, it was sausages..
not sure if that occurred in this particular section though..
something else then?
I think I'm having a hot-flush, though my feet are still cold. Do guys my age have a menopause?
I don't know. Are you sitting in a warm room with your feet in ice cold water? That would explain it. If that's so, I would suggest taking your feet out of the water. And taking your socks off.
Shit! I never noticed! How on earth did the bucket get there and why did I put my feet in? There's nowt stranger than folk, and none stranger then me. I don't know what I'd do without you and your advice, mom. Thanks.
see.. told you it helps to pay attention..
well I didn't, but it's true
see.. told you it helps to pay attention..
well I didn't, but it's true
* looks sheepish, and internally, promises to do better in future *
you do that!
Disaster has struck... one of my biscuits broke in two and I was unable to rescue the sunken half :(
oh no! as someone who's not really a tea drinker, and doesn't usually have biscuits with coffee.. what does one do in such a situation? I can't imagine the horror..
One does nothing, except mourn the soggy remains when the cup is eventually washed :(
oh, that's so sad..
perhaps some time they'll come up with a remedy for it
It's a skill, and one has to be very aware when doing it. Leave the biscuit for too long in the hot liquid and it's bound to happen. I was a bit distracted... cold feet, sausages, and fantasies of pleated uniforms...
hey.. uniforms, the other subject that's been bandied about today..
is it correct to say that? bandied about? in this context?
*ponders that*
Oh yes, "bandied"... an excellent word! As for "uniforms" we didn't explore it in depth, which is a shame, as I'm sure we could have had some fun with it!
yes, uniforms, there has to be a big belt somewhere, and a snazzy buckle
and a boxy hat of course
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