
No banana Wednesday

After a week's break, Wednesday Bible Study is back. This is where I take a random bible verse and give it 3 different translations. Here is today's.

REV 2:16... "Repent; or else I will come unto thee quickly, and will fight against them with the sword of my mouth."
He he. Cool. Ok on with the lesson.

a) Look, you just did something bad okay, so you have to like, you know say that it was bad and ask for forgiveness, bla bla bla, or else, or else, I'll do something really really bad.

b) Hey, this aint no banana baby, watch out!

c) Quit being gay, or else!

First of all I'd like to let you know that I really have no idea what this verse says, or what the greater context is so this is mostly an exercise in ass excavations.

Second of all, I know, I know, enough about the bananas already! I promise this is it. No more.

I mean I've really milked it for all it's worth haven't I? I've sucked all of the life giving force out of that joke. I've peeled back the skin to reveal the inner mushy goodness of the er, ok I really am running out of juice now.


Jennifer Wertkin said...

I think it's funny.....

Anonymous said...

Hey, I love bananas, it's a sad day for me when I don't eat a banana, usually many. So keep up the posts on bananas

Michelle said...

Well it looks like the bananas have been quite a hit, I shall have to thank Kirk Cameron and that Kiwi guy for giving me so much material.