
I'm fabulous.

Upside down.
Originally uploaded by Mutant Cat.
In fact I'm the greatest! Join me in greatness if you dare.

I met my new artist friend yesterday over a few drinks, too many drinks actually, I'm just the slightest bit poorly today, but anyway we plan to do a sitting in a park sometime soon, once the weather decides to uphold. So I shall be in a painting. Really it's about time, the world has suffered from the lack of me being immortalised in this particular way for too long.


Anonymous said...

I've known you for a while now, and your narcissism has never been a secret, in fact you've always celebrated it. But even so, of late you've moved forward, exhibiting a a level of 'how great I am' rarely witnessed. I'm in awe, and feel privileged to know you. I only wish I could engender such self-love towards myself, but alas, it's not to be. The best I can do is hold my penis in the highest esteem; but that's not such a big deal as all men are the same. You however, are a unique, self-centred individual. The Champ!

Michelle said...

Aw shucks Don.

Nick said...

But will you still remember the little people like us when you're immortalised in a famous picture? Or will we have to pay the admission fee like everyone else?

Anonymous said...

How rude of me, I got so wrapped up in what I was saying, I forgot to comment on the main topic of your post - your appointment as artist's model. Congratulations!

Cranky McGee said...

Wow! That's big news. Congrats.

Nice picture, by the way. You are one fine lass. So fine that I may have to sail my pirate ship to Prague. Do I take a right or left at the Black Sea?

Michelle said...

Thanks everyone. You can be sure I won't forget my friends when I'm fabulously wealthy and famous.

Cranky there's a slight problem with getting here by ship, as there is no sea by, but I'm sure a resourceful pirate could do it.

Cranky McGee said...

I was thinking I could take my ship up the river. Prague has a river running through right? If not, my crew can carry the boat across land.

The Culture Ghost said...

Congratulations are in order.

Great photo.