
And with barely a minute left to go...

A while ago I put together a system which I sometimes refer to as "dorkism", and other times "days o' the week" er.. thingy. Anyway, it's where I have a thing to do for every day of the week and on Thursday it's beseeching you to caption a photo. Well, no one ever captions the photos I leave, but I'm going to do it anyway, even though Thursday is rapidly running out. Here it is.

Synchronized kitties


The Oceanside Animals said...

"Well, I finally caught him. Now where's my $2?"

Michelle said...

Yay! I got one.

That's me.. not the kitties :)

Michelle said...

"About time you humanz showed up, now get the shovel"

Michelle said...

"How long is this gonna take? My tail is getting sore."