Look at the sky, can you believe it?

Unfortunately I've been trapped inside all day so I haven't gotten a chance to go out, but if I'm lucky, which I never am, it will continue to be sunny for at least a few days and I'll get my chance to frolic outside.
And what better to talk about on such a lovely spring day than bunnies. So cute, so lovable, so er, monstrous. Apparently, there is a giant rabbit in Northern England, positively terrorizing the locals.
"They call it the monster. It's very big -- it's nearly the size of a dog," said Joan Smith, whose son Jeff owns one of the plots under attack.The size of a dog, hmmm. Well how big is that then? A big dog, a small dog, and in between dog? Really helpful that is.
"It's eating everything, all the vegetables," she told Reuters. "They are trying to shoot it. They go along hoping to catch it but I think it's too crafty."A rabbit eating vegetables! Well I never. Whatever will happen next? I for one hope we don't get a plague of giant vegetable eating rabbits here. The only giant bunny I want to see is the one that brings me chocolate thank you very much!
Ah, this is classic, the staple fare of the media. These stories range from the Abominable Snowman, the Loch Ness Monster, through to the "Beast of Bodmin Moor", and now it's giant rabbits.
I don't know about you, but for me, the term "giant" can only be used appropriately if the subject is huge relative to us, not to a typical member of it's species. So if this bunny doesn't tower above me like the 'Hulk', then I'm not interested. It's just a large rabbit - yawn.
"We have two lads here with guns who are trying to shoot it, but it is very clever." What is that supposed to mean? Does it make lightening-quick mental calculations, ascertaining exactly where the bullets will be at time-x, thus being able to avoid them? Or, has he fabricated for himself a bullet-proof jacket? My money is on the latter because whoever heard of a rabbit being good at maths?
"The only giant bunny I want to see is the one that brings me chocolate thank you very much!" I don't believe it! Chocolate... you? Thurely not! How do you manage to maintain thuch a fabulouth figure when the retht of uth thtruggle though we only eat rabbit food? [very camp, with hands on hips, flounces out of room]
I think it's fair to say that this "giant" was giant only compared to a regular rabbit, and not a giant to people. Considering it's the size of "a dog", and dogs aren't usually bigger than humans. I have seen dogs that are about the size of a horse, a small horse mind you, but they are particularly large dogs, and this rabbit was compared to "a dog" not, "a really really big dog the size of a horse, albeit a small one". So I'm not impressed.
I was merely givng emphasis to your point. There are dogs out there not much bigger than large rats. The media never let commonsense or reality get in the way of a "good" story. Hmmm... aren't bloggers a bit like that?
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