Typical. Right after I do a post about search terms that led to my blog I get a whole batch of new crazy stuff, and because I want to carry on the facade that this blog is about something of substance, I'm reluctant to post about the same subject again so soon.
But, due to an amazing coincidence I have absolutely nothing else to write about, so today I'm having my first annual recent search terms award.
People looking for mutants are all welcome here, amongst the recent mutant fetishists were one mutant vegetables, mutant Indian babies, as well as family of drunken mutants. Goodness only knows if they enjoyed their time here at my little blog.
A recent visitor found me while looking for bunnies for jesus, something I'd never heard of previously but seems innocent enough, but to the person looking for cat getting its head chopped off, I am not amused.
But the big winner, going to someone from Irvine California, browsing the internet with pacbell.net, is SAMSON LEG SMITE SWEET. I can only guess what they were looking for. Actually I can't even guess, I have no idea what that means.
If you're still around sir/madam, this is what you win.

It's really only of use for a female, but it's got a tasteful tiger print design that will be a fine addition to any home with style.
Unfortunately, people out there in internet land seem to be more interesting finding weird and porn related stuff than any kind of enlightenment, so I just say stuff it and give em what they want.
When you've been in this business as long as I have, you know to fill your blog with catchy words and phrases like nipples, blowjobs, bunnies and "britney spears". Then you get all sorts of people clicking on your blog and never coming back again.
Where the fuck are the nipples and Britney Spears? Bollocks!
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