
*splits sides*

Went to some comedy night last night. Sort of an amateur do... people get up and do their thing and we vote on who's best. I went mostly to catch up with some people and hopefully meet new people in the theater world here in Prague and that's mostly what I did. Had fun.. mostly for that rather than for the "comedy".. yes, we were pretty badly behaved and not so supportive of these, admittedly very brave souls who got up and did something that's pretty fucking frightening that I would never do.. and actually there were some good bits and overall they weren't bad, but... really.. the state of stand up comedy today.. something I know shit all about but will wax on at length about, is fucking pretty poor.. and it isn't the fault of these guys who are int he early days of what they're doing so might improve considerably.. for one.. but.. fuck, the same old shit, pick on the same subjects.. nothing new, nothing said in an interesting or funny way... for the most part.. and if you say.. um, that's fucked up, or that's not funny, or, you're not very good well everyone's like.. "omg you can't like have an opinion or anything arrrggghhhh.. don't take it personally"

well there was a small incident, some people at my table got up and told some dude on stage that what he said was sorta fucked up.. in a very mild way and took his beer.. I thought it was mildy amusing, not something I'd do but no big deal.. really..

well, we got told off at the table more than once.. one guy came up and said "you can't take these things personally".. and I, quite calmly, I think, though loudly because it was necessary to be heard, just said that.. actually, you can't demand that people have the reaction you say they have.. people can take it how they like.. and this guy immediately widened his eyes and started hyperventilating.. (ok exaggerating a little there but seriously.. quite close) and said.. jeez.. calm down, chill out.. omg female person saying something that isn't o you're so right dudely dude I'm so sorry can I suck your dick for you?".... and kept on with the I'm being totally crazy and angry by like.. saying something..

and I didn't even get "mad" at the "chill out" comment.. which was.. as you know.. a totally fucked up thing to say in any situation, and especially since I was actually more chill than his pathetic little offended ass was... I just made fun of it.. of him for being so stupid as to fucking say it.. I mean.. seriously.

Later some other dudes came to the table to tell the girl who'd got up off for laughing at somebody else and that they were watching her.. you know.. to try and get a "gotcha" moment.. looking all smug and whiny.. telling us very nasally how wrong we all were for like.. existing and stuff..

so.. yeah. It was quite fun. I should totally get up myself and do something (at least equally poor) next time.. but I won't. I'm too fucking scared to. So.. props to the people who got up to do something, there was some good shit in there.. just.. fucking deal with it when someone has a reaction to what you do.. that's all. Even girls get to have a say sometimes.. kay?


Ronald said...

Blimey, you're swearing a lot!

Michelle said...

What the fuck you talking bout dude?