
The word "glum" comes to mind.

I've been having a serious case of the blahs recently. You know when you're just feeling... bla.. and you just can't figure out why.. there's no reason, everything is just... blah. A combination of worries, irritating people, the pointlessness of modern life getting to you, that sort of thing. Oh and feeling like life is passing me by and I'm not doing anything that I want to be doing moving towards much desired goals bla bla bla.. blah.. nevermind what I "should" be doing.. that's not happening much or in an ideal way either.. meaning I've got not money and that doesn't help.

I suppose I do have some very definite clear cut reasons why I'm feeling like this. Not to mention the not so clear cut but.. "grumble, whine" what's the point sort of non contemplating. It's not a good combination of stuff.

I'm not sure that made any sense, but does life ever make sense? Does anything ever make sense? Is there such a thing as sense? It's a word in the dictionary but what does it REALLY MEAN?

Well, there are 18 different definitions so I won't post it all here.. but yeah, it does mean stuff. *feels a bit sheepish*

Still.. makes you think doesn't it?

I think I want to drink some more.


Ronald said...

You ever heard of a film called The Right Stuff? It's based on a novel by Tom Wolfe.... but that's not important. I mention this because simply cuz I like to think I'm a smart-ass and it takes me to my diagnosis of your problem - the stuff in your life, thus far, is not what it should be, it's not right, it's not the Right Stuff... get it?

Sorry for being so flippant in the face of your existential angst. Best I can do is tell you I often think along the same lines. I try to get around it by not expecting any 'sense', telling myself it doesn't have to 'add up' or be logical... life just is. Not much use is it? Sorry.

Hope things look utterly splendid in the morning.

Word Verification: grail .... could that be significant for you? Maybe the Holy Grail is just around the corner? Jesus H Christ! It's official... I really am fucking bonkers!

Michelle said...

Hmmmm.. grail. They're getting really lazy with those WVWs.. a lot of them are sounding like or are actual words..

Well. I have to admit I'm not nor have ever been too bothered by the sense of things.. not sure if I am right now, it just seems to go along with the particular feeling I'm having.. I just would like things to suck less. And be cool more. I'm happy for it to happen in a totally nonsensical way, in fact, I think I'd particularly like that. Most of the best times of my life have been when things were totally mad. Things haven't been like that for a while.. it's just so boring, so uninspiring.. so... oh fuck it who cares.

Ronald said...

I thik an 'Alien abduction' is what you need... galaxies new!

Michelle said...

kay.. I suppose that might be fun.