
Is there something like this out there?

Today's word o' the day is yet another one, which sounds kind of funny and has a kind of cool meaning..

\ in-kyoo-NAB-yuh-luhm \ , noun;
1. The earliest stages or first traces of anything.
2. Extant copies of books produced in the earliest stages (before 1501) of printing from movable type.
I like the word itself because it almost sounds like it has bum in it :) No really.. ok really.

OMG the earliest stages or first traces of anything! It's like.. it's like.. wow.. kinda like this.
Somewhere in the incunabulum of time the New Year lay awaiting birth. Outside, in the dark, and with none to call it friend, the old year was fading into death.
-- Edwin Markham, The real America in romance, Volume 12
that's so deep man...

I was gonna say more about it and how it might potentially apply to me that is if I actually have a clue what it really means and how it's supposed to be used and there's a good chance I don't anyway.. but I can't be bothered...


Ronald said...

As a 'bum man' I have to go along with you. Anything to do with the rear isn't half-bad!

It has a ring to it too... I keep saying it slowly, in-kyoo-NAB-yuh-luhm, in-kyoo-NAB-yuh-luhm...

It's not a word I can easily use though. I'd need practice to gain confidence.

One more time, in-kyoo-NAB-yuh-luhm... hehe!

Michelle said...

It's the sort of word you want to say again and again and again.

And again, for good measure.

I'm going to have to work pretty hard to get it seemingly naturally into a conversation.. but if I remember to do it.. I might succeed. Having said that.. I always think that about all these words I come across that I really like and I never think of it after that so I probably won't.

And on a very tangentially related note.. I love it when I reply to comments on my blog before I've signed in so I get the word verification.. and get.. I won't call it a gem but it's kinda a cool word.. like "hytones" at the bottom of the page..

of course then I have to do the whole sign in and password.. *snores*

Michelle said...

I'd like to say it's the incunabulum of an era which I have a properly working water heater.. but a) it probably doesn't make any sense, and b) won't happen.