
The trials of modern life.

Being a coffee drinker is hard. You must have it every day, in the morning, at least one, maybe more. You need it to be in that waking zone where one can do work and whatever else is expected of one.. or at least you believe it enough that it makes it real.

I personally need 2 or more every day, and by "need" I mean kinda sorta feel like having, because.. well, just because.. because I feel empty, bored.. sometimes tired.. I dunno. Point is I need one, then I need another one.. and after that it depends but often I end up having another one.. each time "need" having a slightly different definition but it's always there.

The problem with coffee is there are so many components to it, at least if you have it like I do which is with milk and sugar. That's 3 different things that I need to have present in my kitchen of a morning to get the adequate cup of coffee, which as I have mentioned before, I need. You can see where I'm going here, with 3 different elements to make up one coffee, there is a lot of scope for things to go wrong. I'm always running out of one of them. As I said, I usually have more than 2, if I can... and when it starts to look like supplies are getting low I get anxious that I might not be able to have that 3rd coffee.. and when you introduce other people into the mix.. well, you can see how hard my life is. Milk runs out all too quickly.. sugar is the deceptive one that seems to go on forever that catches you off guard.. and coffee, like the others is a limited resource.

On top of that, when you're not the sort of person who always has money on them, to go out and purchase whichever one of these things that are missing... well, it's like being on a plane where the pilot has passed out and no one else on the plane knows how to fly one.. and the plane has just run out of coffee.

Needless to say, this morning, the last tiny sliver of coffee from the coffee jar was used up.. not by me I might add.. and I was only on my 2nd one at the time.. or the 3rd.. doesn't matter, what matters is that it happened.

And people say life in the old days was tough. I scoff at them.


Ronald said...

Hey, you won't believe this, but my next post is about the same subject - coffee! I wont say anymore than that. Anyway...

You don't have to tell me about the hardship undergone by inveterate coffee-drinkers, and milk is the biggest problem... the fucking stuff goes "off" so easily!

** feels for you and the severity of your life **

Michelle said...

Oh yeah.. it's always a problem with milk.. either you buy a tiny little container of it and you run out before you've had your second cup.. or you buy a litre of it and suddenly everyone doesn't show up mornings.. you have a day or 2 you just don't feel like coffee.. (I know it's impossible but in these cases it happens) and.. before you're halfway through the bottle.. stuff happens to it.. grrrr..

like I said.. life is hard.