
Who needs these "friend" people anyway?

One of my friends had a birthday yesterday of all vulgar, common things. This meant that I was positively forced to go out and drink with him of course. I was "literally" roped into staying out and having beer after beer and of course.. him having a habit of ordering shot after shot of Fernet Citrus for our jolly party of 3 was made, practically at gunpoint to down every one of them.

I have a headache now.

Friends! *snorts derisively*


Ronald said...

Hmmm... "friends". Not common around these parts. Not because I have difficulty in engaging people, and getting them to like me; no, it's purely personal. Like everyone else, I need others, but few, and much less than a handful of these to class as 'friends', to the point some might think of me as 'aloof'.

Michelle said...

Yeah well, this is one of the few... out of those who are close enough for me to be required to get embarrassingly drunk on special occasions such as this one.. so I think I understand.. it's just that out of the very few friends there is a high percentage of big drinkers in them.. resulting in..

well I feel a bit better now.. but you know..

Ronald said...

Oh yes, I do know. Until recent years, my whole life was centred around that most popular of British cultures, drinking (favourable with the Aussies too, rumour has it). So much so, everything I did entailed drinking before, after, or during.

Glad you feel a bit better.

Michelle said...

Yeah it's a bit hard to like.. not drink so much and be sociable and have friends and stuff when any activity that's remotely considered sociable pretty much involves drinking.. and that's about it :Z