I can't really elaborate on what Jill or Amanda have to say on this but,

Oh wait a minute, they don't do that at all. Silly me.
What they're actually saying can be summed up by, there are good girls and there are sluts. You want to be one of the good girls don't you? So cover up your perky young body so the boys will ogle, harrass and grope and slander "those" kinds of girls but end up marrying you.
And we're not going to question why it is that it's ok for men to go around screwing who they want and treat them like shit afterwards, while it's not ok for us to fuck at all, because it's not out place to. Men have their needs, and their needs must be met.
So we'll wear our "Girls Gone Mild" t-shirts to show how strong and independent we are, while those horrible feminists go around wearing what they like, fucking who they like, and then having the nerve to say they have the right to be treated like decent people, just like the men are!
I'm not exactly sure what you mean by that, but no. These people are wrong.
There are elements of truth in what they're trying to say, girls shouldn't be pressured into looking a particular way by society, by men or other girls, but the reason behind this site, and the way they are doing it is wrong.
If you tell girls or women how they should dress, or act, and it's their responsbility to keep men from acting inappropriately toward them then it's wrong. It's not wrong within some circles it's wrong always, for every culture, for every time, for everything.
Of course this is just my opinion, but I'm rarely wrong about anything :)
To clarify that, what I'm mostly trying to say is that their call for modesty is dressed up in the language of empowerment, which it isn't at all. It's doing what one group of people tell you to do rather than another. Only their group is more direct about it and more restrictive.
You can find the site easily by googling Modesty Zone. I took the link down because I'm linked to 2 high traffic blogs which decided for some reason not to link them, so just to be safe I took it down.
You can always tell your daughter that not all men are the patriarchy, some of them are decent. And that some women are total cunts as well. Maybe not those particular words though.
I added you to my bloglist the old fashioned way... I don't have blogroll.
Hope you'll return the favor.
Just wanted to stop by and check out your new home. I love it!
Sure Kat, I'll add you. Hi, Carla, nice to see you again.
A recent study at the Wolverhampton Institute* revealed some interesting findings regarding 'innate tendencies' within men and women.
Prof. Sid Willis** tells us, 'My colleagues and I have concluded that evolution has built into the male system, the idea that eligible women, that is, women suitable for matrimony, are to dress demurely, in a non-provocative manner. Similarly, women have the in-built knowledge, that in order to secure a man, they have to conform". He goes on to say, "But obviously, genes may mutate. When this occurs in the female, and she gets ideas contrary to 'nature', she becomes fair game to another innate characteristic of the male - the hunting impulse. When confronted by females of this kind (slappers, tarts, or any woman not wearing traditional female finery) the man's basic impulses kick in."
Females of the "fair game" type are not "subject to the normal rules of society" he says. "Walking the streets with a skirt barely covering your assets is asking for it". This makes it nigh on impossible he says for "even the normal God-fearing man to resist having a stab". And, he adds, "You can't blame men, who acting on natural impulse, spend their leisure time lurking in churchyards and alleyways, wearing ski-masks and sporting large hunting knives and lengths of rope. Man is the hunter"
Professor Willis was at the centre of a controversy last year when he announced, "Date rape is understandable and condonable in terms of evolution. It's the modern and technological equivalent of the caveman clubbing his 'prey' and dragging her off to his lair". He went on to say, "As part of the larger 'game' women actually enjoy it, although they might not be consciously aware of it". When pushed as to how he arrived at these conclusions, he twitched, displayed some signs of irritation and said, "It's fuckin' obvious, innit!".
* The Wolverhampton Institute is a public house, purveying fine ales and wines of quality.
** Called the professor due to his ability to partially complete the Sun crossword (sometimes as much as half) and his tendency to talk with authority on any subect regardless of not having any knowledge about it. He's been a regular at the Institute for 40 years
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