One of Yahoo's most emailed photos, can't imagine why.
I know, I shouldn't be so mean, these women are just poor and undernourished, and taking advantage of a fashionable preference for the starving look. You can't blame them for that.
It's society's fault. I really shouldn't care at all that I have a huge sagging ass and would never look good in this kind of getup. Why does it matter? I know I'm smarter than pretty much everyone I've ever met, I have a whole list of fabulous talents, though unfortunately due to laziness, an inability to concentrate on one thing for too long, and a lack of suck up ability that seems all too important to getting anywhere in life I've not yet been able to qualify as "successful", as someone of my genius should.
I'm also the sweetest, most lovely person I've ever met, I have a wacky and unique sense of humour as well as a whole bunch of other great things.
And on top of all that, I am considered at very least, reasonably attractive by most people. So why do I feel inadequate because of my looks so much of the time?
You can answer me by telling me how gorgeous I am, and that will be nice, but not really helpful. What I really want to know is why we're so fucked up in this way, and more important how we can change it.
The only thing I can think of is to round up all the men and cut their nuts of without any anaesthetic, let them bleed and bleed and bleed until they die slowly.
But if you have a better idea I'm open to suggestions.
To the sweetest, most lovely person I have ever met - on the net:
First of all, to be serious (for a brief moment), this whole "beauty" issue is not that much a fault of society, for "society" is in my eyes a too abstract level here. No, if you have a closer look you can identify quite solid interests at work, companies and businesses that simply are making money with the propaganda of a certain beauty-ideal. But I'm not blaming the oh-so-cruel capitalist economy, it is just the way it is and I think it can be helpful just to keep this in mind. Whenever you see such a photo, or read about the newest diet plan, just think that someone is only trying to earn some bucks and has in no way any worthy aesthetical ideal behind this. Maybe it helps just to remind this from time to time.
Oh, and for your enormous bum: how delightful it would be to worship these gorgeous cheeks.....
(by saying this, imagine me kneeling in front of you, handing you the blades, so you can start your bloody work. Yes, I will bleed for all men, for the whole mankind and their salvation..... - uuups, wrong movie)
The need to compare everything, including - despite their uniqueness - humans and their external attributes like 'beauty', originates from the assumed need to (virtually) exchange everything and anything to which we are trained from childhood on, and which is connected to the destructive idea of property.
It is hard to unlearn, but it is possible. The only drawback: One has to learn living in loneliness. Few succeed in that, since - as david said - they seek affirmation and approval.
Stay punk,
Luther Blisset
http://vanessalea.tripod.com/blog/ V,
The feeelings of inadequacies do dissipte with time....At 42 I am pretty accepting of who I am. Occasionaaly I look in the mirror and see my Mother and let out a little scream, but beyond that I feel pretty good about myself.....
Hey pussycat. Those guys above are fairly certain of themselves with their psycho-socio analysis. I didn't notice a 'perhaps', or 'seems like', or 'possibly' anywhere. How reassuring to know there are people out there to tell you HOW IT IS!
It's ok Anon. I know what it all derives from, it is the fault of the patriarchal society we live in, with a heaping help from capitalism, with which it works hand in hand.
I could just suck it up and learn to deal with it, but it's not good enough, as it will continue to have a negative affect on all women, and for generations to come, which is why those who are responsible, (the patriarchy and it's enablers, both men and women, not neccesarily all) must be blamed, and it must be stopped.
It's ok for men to just say, hey deal with it, you'll be ok.
No. Fuck No!
And V, I sometimes see my mother in my face too, it's worrying, but I deal with it.
Humour has a second u by the way, unless you're American, which I'm not.
Anyone who's had he privelege and benefit of your not inconsiderable personality and charm ought to realise what counts most in life - relating to people. As it happens, you're beautiful too, but that's incidental.
Your comment about a patriarchial society dictating how women should look and be has some credence. But in the final analysis, I think it's mostly down to individuals. Standards of female beauty are formed early on in the male, solidifying, I would guess, in late adolescence. Unfortunately, except for the lucky few, this ideal never grows. Instead it remains fixed for the rest of their lives. Fifty years ago, the picture in your post would have shown women just as perfect and air-brushed, but more voluptuous in stature. This would have been the result of the media producers projecting their adolescents standards onto the public. It's kind of pathetic. Personally, I would love to see you and know you when you're forty and beyond. Woo hooo!
Erm... would you please spare me from the nut-cutting exercise?
You gots what you got. And that's a lot.
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