
Just the right size, any bigger and it would hurt way too much

I am so glad, for the second time this week, to have my own flat to go to. I was sitting here, luxuriously enjoying the place to myself, W was out all night evidently. He just came stumbling in, quite drunk, immediately put on music and started telling me how much he loves me and always will. Blrgggh!

And after the wonderful night I had last night! Rowr! I feel giddy. I'm all drained of energy and I can't think straight. Heavens! Did I mention rowr!

Unfortunately there are no photos. It's difficult to find someone who has the technical excellent as well as the artistic talent to capture that kind of action, but there is always the future.

Now I have to wait until next weekend until we meet again! However will I bear it! Drudging through another week of work, whining and everything that begins with W.

It will be tough, but I'll survive it, I'm strong.


Ronald said...

Hmmm... silly willy versus sizeable willy. Not really a contest.

Whilst the former is drunk and acting the fool...
the latter slides in, and boy is he cool...
The post's title is plain, 'cept to the fool,
Pussycat's lover is possessed of some tool!

Whoever gets to take the pics, be sure he uses a wide-angle lens to capture all of the magnificence, and a sturdy tripod for the camera - seeing the beauty and the big beast might be a little too much for even the most experienced photographer.

Maybe once a week with wonder wang will suffice. Don't be too greedy! After all, it may happen that you get an audition to play the lead role in Romeo & Juliet. In reply to Romeos, 'But soft, what light through yonder window breaks', you've got to be prompt. Repying from backstage, 'ang on minute, I've been rogered rigid and can 'ardly walk', will just not do!

Michelle said...

Thanks D.

DB, you're silly. And thanks. That was beautiful. Think of a tune and turn it into a punk song.