
And I was doing so well!

Fuck! Just when everything was going so smoothly and nicely. Well.. relatively, I mean it totally sucks and then some on top of that but that's my cross to bear and I've been so stoic about it recently.. I think you could say I've bearing it with grace. So hear I am.. coasting along with things being only a little bit below average.. for me.. ie totally fucked up sucking by normal standards.. I watch a nice ep of one of the better calibre of modern television programs on at the moment.. go to get back online and..

well.. you can guess what happened. I didn't get online. This happens often for a little while.. but it stayed not working for hours. Well an hour and a half and I went to bed.

So anyway this morning it still didn't work and continued not working and anyone who knows me, or reads this blog thing like ever knows this is a big deal for me. A big bad deal. So fuck. On top of that I was forced to come down to this local pub to get their wifi.

I told you it was hard being me.


Ronald said...

From checking my stats, it looks like you're back at home and it's business as usual. Woot!

Michelle said...

hey.. how would you know!

i could still be *burps* in the.. hic.. pub doing all that stuff..

Michelle said...

but yeah.. I'm home and the internet wobblies was fixed.. thanks for caring though...

Ronald said...

It's in the stats. I know what your regular ip address is. I'm always looking to see who peeks. For your interest, the first 6 digits of your home ip address are 78.24.11, whereas if you use the pub, I get iol.cz... good innit? I remember a time when it was alway iol.cz.. not that I'm going to make a comment about your past social life :-)

You have sitemeter too, don't you? You'll find me in there somewhere, and you'll probably see, I'm registered in there several times a day. I thought you knew all this? Hope it doesn't bother you. I'll stop doing it if you like, though you'll have to take my word for it :-)

Word verification: peletwin - a dead ringer for the legendary Brazilian Footballer... chuckle

Michelle said...

oh yeah.. didn't think of that.. *feels silly and stuff*.. I mean I'm on the same computer but you're right.. I was using a different server.. and I could also have an extra drink or two here..

Ronald said...

Come on, I'm expecting you to post informing the world of your latest film production, done, dusted, and uploaded!

** in a kind of encouraging, supportive mode **