
Holiday schmoliday.. it's Monday, and all dorks work on Monday!

*drumroll) and the WOTD is:

Well actually.. and I know this spoils the momentum here, but in the interest of accuracy I must note that it's actually yesterday's word o' the day... carry on,


That's the word. Now before you click on the link, I want you to think about it. What does pulchritude sound like? I know what I think it sounds like. It sounds like... something sorta.. it sounds.. well.. it's hard to put in words right now..

This is what it is. Beauty. That's it, or in more detail,

That quality of appearance which pleases the eye; beauty; comeliness; grace; loveliness.
Pulchritude? Means beauty? Loveliness? Seriously? I mean.. it so doesn't sound like anything like that.. it sounds.. ick, and hard.. and unpleasant and harsh and all sorts of things that aren't what it is. I mean, what were they thinking when they named it what it is? No wonder why no one ever uses the word. Seriously. Anyway here's a bit of an exert where it was used, might make you understand it better:
No stranger aftermath developed after the war, Thorek recalled, "than the sudden hope, surging through feminine -- and sometimes masculine -- hearts, that where nature had been niggardly in her gifts of pulchritude, the knife of the surgeon could remedy the lack."
-- Elizabeth Haiken, Venus Envy
Um. Venus Envy? Seriously? I think I'm done here.

Before I leave I'll give you a bonus word is.. and it's actually today's word:

susurrus: A whispering or rustling sound; a murmur.

Now that's a bit more suitable.

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