
Not to be all hemispherist or anything, but..

Happy summer. I don't know if it's supposed to start on the 1st of June or on the 19th or something when the moon is in uranus and the twilight catches the raindrops on the horse or some such nonsense, but where I come from seasons start on the 1st of the calendar month, none of this nature fucking hippy bullshit.. of course I come from the southern hemisphere where it isn't summer today either way, and no easily digested, though unevenly divided units of time, when they start, and what the significance of the one in relation to the change of season is makes no difference no how.

Well.. nice to see I'm back to maing no sense there.. oh wait.. I never stopped doing that did I?

Maybe for about 12 seconds.


Anonymous said...

Well if June 21st is "midsummer" then it should start on May 6th and end on August 6th. Which doesn't make any sense either. Or we could just say that Summer starts when we all start wearing sandals.

Barry Leiba said...

Hey, now, wait, now: the moon is never in mianus, so just stop with those lewd characterisations, eh?

Besides, we all know that it's when the moon is in the seventh house, and Jupiter aligns with Mars, then peace will guide the planets and love will steer the stars. So said Rado and Ragni, once and for all time.

But I guess that was about the Summer of Love. What's this the Summer of? Our discontent?

[Proving, here, that the rest of us are able to make as little sense as you are.]