
Weekly review

An overview of my life in the past week:

Monday. Um.. don't really remember anything significant about Monday, went to work, had a typical day there, I guess, or I'd have more to say about it.

Tuesday. Same I think, but I have a feeling there was something different.. will get back to this one.

Wednesday. Same as the other 2.. something different about the evening, I stayed longer at "work" and had some drinks.. I recall Erik having some drinks with work colleagues and coming to meet me later up there.. oh yeah..

Tuesday part 2. I stayed later at "work" and had some chilli, Erik came and joined me and we ate, but we didn't have drinks that night.

Thursday. Typical day. Erik had another work do so I came home and watched movies while Cooley wailed her head off.. oh, one theme running through the week has been Cooley, she's been having one of her spells and has been driving us crazy most of the week.

Friday. Busy morning, I had 2 major things to do. One was make bread, solo for the first time. I started it and followed the instructions left but things didn't go so well so I called Erik, who knows and we realized that maybe the yeast was too old and inactive so the bread wouldn't rise so well, but it was worth continuing anyway. I left the dough to rise and went out to get the other project done, or at least that part of it, which I did and came back and decided I needed to get up to "work" (it is real work, just not a regular job in the sense that I have to be there a certain time or else) and walked up there. Both my big jobs of the morning have, in retrospect been technical failures.. one I'll explain shortly, and another will remain a mystery until such time as I am at liberty to reveal what it is.

So.. regular day at work.. well not really but it was irregular in a boring way, until I went to the post office, where I failed to achieve my objective in going there, due to the fucked up address someone gave us for what they sent us. I had a beer on the way back, had some more beers there, Erik came up and we had beers and Fernet and stayed late.. when I came back I wasn't in a condition to finish making bread, so I left it.

Saturday. Yesterday. I was sick all day and did nothing, and I wrote about that yesterday so you should know. Didn't get the bread done.

Sunday. That's today. Done nothing. Actually that's not true, I've finished the bread, almost. The dough had started to get crusty but still kind of doable so I made buns.. and they're in the oven... he he guffaw guffaw that sounds like a joke. Anyway we'll get to try the bread soon, and even though I'm almost sure it will be awful, I'm glad I did it, so I can get the first disaster out of the way and do it better next time. As for my other failure of that day, well, that turned out pretty cool over all, but you'll know about that soon enough.

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