I've been tagged on Flickr to do a self portrait, accompanied by 16 random facts about me. I did it and figured I'd take care of 2 birds with the one stone, and here it is.
I thought I'd get clever with the photo, which was originally supposed to have 16 of me in it, which you can imagine is a quite an ambitious project, and sure enough, after an hour spent shooting self portraits, without any plan except to shoot them in lots of different positions, I was only able to fit 11 of myself in there. So technically it's a failure, and if you were reading yesterday, that is in fact what I was referring to when I spoke of my second projct for Friday, anyway here's the photo, followed by the aforementioned facts:

1. I speak Czech poorly, relatively so, I speak it well enough to be able to say I speak it, but I wouldn't be able to say to what level of proficiency, all I know is that for someone who is from a Czech family, who grew up listening and understanding, if not speaking much, and who has lived in the Czech republic for 8 years, it is poor.
2. I take one and a half sugars in my coffee. I used to have 2 but I thought it was too much and waned to wean myself down to one, but as yet have only managed to bring myself down to 1.5.
3. I can play both the piano and the guitar, but very little and extremely ill. I've always wanted to be in a band all the same, just for the fun of it, but have yet to realize that ambition. I promise that this will be the year.
4. I consider myself something of a writer, though writing anything like a book, a play or real article is beyond me. This blog is as ambitious at that gets.
5. I have 9 photos tagged with toilet.
6. I'm quite a fan of Jane Austen, have read all the novels, seen all the 90s and 00s adaptations and a few of the earlier ones, and one of my favourite sites onlie is the home of JA, Pemberley dot com.
7. In my opinion, the very best Wikipedia page of all is the Fraggle Rock one, now that person really cares..
8. I'm a dork, and a bit of a word nerd, and a punctuation nerd. I'm not exactly the greatest expert myself, but I fancy that I pretty much spell good and speak proper. I'm usually quite easy with errors that others make, but one thing that drives me crazy is when people use unnecessary apostrophes, usually to pluralize a word eg. "dog's". Why on earth do people go to extra trouble to put in something that isn't needed! It doesn't make sense!!!
9. My favourite beer is Gambrinus, one of the beers made by Pilsner brewery, in PlzeĆ, Czech Republic.
10. I am, as is probably quite obvious to anyone who's paid the slightest attention, a cat person. Until recently I hadn't lived with a cat for over 10 years, though I've wanted to get a kitten for some time and didn't get around to it for one reason or another. All was solved when earlier this year, Erik came to live with me, bringing the lovely Cooley.
11. The most popular search term that leads to this blog is "fucking elephants" or "elephants fucking", and references a post featuring this photo.
12. I'm an aspiring actress. I should, at this advanced stage of my life be past aspiring to anything, but I'm hesitant about claiming the title of "actor" without a disclaimer. I simply haven't done enough stuff, and the stuff I've done is far from professional, and recently, I've done nothing at all. I mean to do more, better stuff, but from lack of motivation, confidence and opportunity, I haven't yet. This will be the year though.
13. I have issues with the number 13. I'm not generally superstitious, and I don't really believe it, I just, for some reason avoid that number and numbers associated in my mind with it on clocks and wherever else numbers are found.
14. I come from Sydney, specifically from the less salubrious Western Suburbs area, people who come from there are colloquially called Westies by other Sydneysiders (people from Sydney).
15. I've sung karaoke once in my life, but I really want to do it again, there are specific songs I really want to sing, including but not limited to "Wuthering Heights" by Kate Bush, and "I've Never Been to Me" by Charlene, and I swear I only want to do those songs for the cheesiness value :). I reckon I'll do it this year some time.
16. I'm something of a procrastinator :)
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