
Care for a beer.. or blood?

I had a dream about vampires last night. It's already evening here so the memory is very vague.. I vaguely remember the bits I went through in my head immediately after waking that I've mostly forgotten by now.. but there were vampires.

It wasn't a scary dream.. at least I don't think so. It was like the bits in all the tv shows where vampires and other supernatural folk are hanging out doing mundane human like things, where everyone was doing mundane human like things.

It came out of watching Lady Gaga videos last night.. of course.. and somehow I found myself in a world where some people are just vampires and everyone just accepts it. At least I think so.. the vampire Erik (I know they spell it Eric but that's wrong! He's Swedish it should be spelt with a K.. and those Eriks are so much cooler.. of course :P ) wasn't in it but I was expecting him.. or something. At least I think so.

Apart from that.. well I think I was vaguely worried for a tiny bit of it but not because I was afraid of having my throat ripped out.. or at least I think so. I don't really know.. I just know it had something to do with vampires.

I really should write this stuff down. When I actually remember some of it.


Ronald said...

There's a trend at the moment, for vampire dramas, or so it seems. Not that I'm an expert as I steer well clear of them, but I thought I'd give you the benefit of this observation. Good thing is, you remembered it, at least in part. I know for sure I dream each and every night, but do I remember? Do I f...! Anyway, don't you feel cheated for having a vampire dream but not being in the least bit frightened? Isn't that like watching a porn movie and not being turned on?

Michelle said...

er... perhaps, but not being a watcher of gthe modern vampire genre you mightn't realize that it isn't so unusual.. I mean vampires are scary, can be scary, for sure, but then again some of them are just regular folk who go to work and fall in love with humans and don't age and drink blood.. of course they have their moments, but there are the cuddly sort of vampires these days..

I had another dream last night. Different subject(s). Don't really remember it.

Ronald said...

Pft! I have to say, they obviously don't make 'em like they used to. I remember when Christopher Lee in his Hammer House of Horror Dracula roles, in which he'd swish his cape, pull back his lips, reveal his pointy canines, and I'd... erm... laugh. Maybe they've never been scary. Vampires? Silly!

Michelle said...

yeah.. I'm not even sure they're all that silly anymore.. I mean, like I said they're like humans who drink blood and can't go out in the sun and live for hundreds of years but somehow all have modern mannerisms and stuff.. a lot of them are cool, some are kinda dorky and then there are the comic relief characters who are, in fact silly.

And of course some of them are even characters with depth who can be cool, smart, dorky, evil and silly at different times.. just like humans :)

Michelle said...

yeah :)