
Which sucks more...

I finally did an activity. I'm not going to explain that, if you want to know what I'm talking about read my previous posts.

It was awful. My activity was to paint my nails 3 different colours. It's difficult enough, I had a time limit and didn't need a great meaning so I thought I chose pretty well. Then I went up to do my exercise with Jana. Jana speaks English much better than she thinks but never wants to work in English because she just doesn't want to bother. I started by doing my nails, bla bla bla, then went to answer the door when she knocked, told her what her behaviour was in English and she stared at me like she didn't understand, so I repeated it in Czech. Well, not so much repeated as I garbled out something in bad Czech that was kind of close to the meaning.

She came in and we did the exercise in half English, half Czech. Overall it was terrible, I didn't do what I was supposed to do at all, the only thing I can't decide if I was worse at calling behaviour, reacting and repeating, which is what you do in the exercise, or at speaking Czech. I also know which one bothers me more.

After the exercise, Brian the teacher really only said that I'd picked a good activity which worked well. I don't know if he didn't say anything more than that because the whole thing was as writeoff because I'd stumbled over the language too much to do anything else, or if it just wasn't that bad. I go for the first option.

The only good thing is that I can blame both my bad Czech and my bad "acting" on each other. My Czech sounded worse than it actually is because I was nervous about doing this thing, the "acting" was so bad because I was doing it half in a language that I'm not so comfortable with. Or I just suck at both. This is definitely possible.

I call it "acting" because in these exercises we're supposed to be reacting for real, rather than faking it, so actually if you're acting you're doing it wrong, but I use the word just for purposes of the flow of the sentence sort of thing. I know most of this makes no sense to you (all of you I'm guessing) who really don't know what goes on in Meisner Technique studies, but I'm having a rant so just have to deal with it.


Ronald said...

Maybe you can look at the 'issue' differently. It seems to me your difficulty in getting to grips with using the Czech language as well as doing your "calling, reacting and repeating", is REAL. And as this is supposed to be an exercise in 'being in the moment' and reacting to it, you can include this difficulty in the your evaluation of your peformance. Therefore, instead of thinking of it as a failure, you can re-evaluate it and say, "hey, I did a fair job of calling, reacting and repeating AS a person who has difficulty with the Czech language!!! Make sense? or do you want to slap me and banish me forever?

Michelle said...

Um, how about I slap you with a wet herring and ban you for 5 minutes? Would that be alright? I mean you're probably right but I thought you might like that anyway.

Ronald said...

Steady, I've never been right in my life before. As for the slapping... your insight into my secret desires is scary... I like it very, very wet. Can you arrange that?

Michelle said...

How about something slimy? Some kind of amphibian rather than a fish? I find fish due to their scaliness don't stay wet feeling too long, though, being fish they tend to hang around water a lot, therefore are usually quite wet, but it's not quite the thing.. hmm? Some kind of salamandery newt sort of thing? A realy big one. Are there really big newts? I have no idea.

Ronald said...

Hmmm... do I detect a hint of experience with "aquatic attacks"... anyway, I don't think newts grow to a significant size so no amount of thrashing with one would give the required result. Now Salamander slapping sounds more like it, although perhaps a bit hefty and liable to leave unsightly marks. Perhaps a compromise would be a jellied eel. I'm not sure how you'd grip it though.

Anonymous said...

you want an activity... sit in a chair and lift your right foot. Turn it clockwise at the same time take your right hand and draw a 6 in the air.....what is your foot doing now?


Kittie said...

I'm sorry to hear things didn't go as well as you would like. Maybe next time will be better!