
How to fix a broken window

Time for post #3 in my ground breaking new series about Sex Metaphors. Today I'll be revisiting the one which actually inspired this whole thing. It's from this book which bemoans the fact that young women today are ruining their lives by screwing around instead of demanding a solid commitment from everyone they fuck. The quote, which is written in the form of a letter to mothers and daughters, goes like this:

Your body is your property. . . . Think about the first home you hope to
own. You wouldn't want someone to throw a rock through the front window, would
No. I wouldn't want my body violently assaulted by someone, whether a stranger or otherwise. Thanks for allowing me the ownership of my own body by the way.. no thanks for deciding for me what equals a violation of my own property.

Yes, we know, there are women who slut around because they have a crave affection or attention, because their father didn't love them enough etc etc.. who are left feeling empty and used after such encounters, yes we know there are men who are shitheads, yes we know that women get pressured into things they don't want to do.... but that's now how it is for everyone.

Oh yes it is! Or so says our wise and all knowing author. You might think you're perfectly ok with the arrangement you have with your man friend, and in fact quite happy to be having sex without worrying about long term commitments, or you might be looking back on the days before you were in your current blissful relationship without any regret... but no! You're fooling yourself. You are distressed. You feel wretched. Stop telling me you're ok, I'm afraid your thoughts don't enter into it.. this is for the big people to decide.

If you sit here and let me tell you how terrible you really feel, and it's really quite unbecoming to let yourself be used as a human bouncing castle.. and eventually your distress will come out and you will feel shame. Then you will be cured.


Ronald said...

Hmmm... interesting post, but for me, on a personal level. I have a vague memory of at one time pissing you off big-time... is that correct? I know I have this habit of lapsing into "I know what you feel.. I know what you think" mode. I'm making a public plea for forgiveness.

Michelle said...

Sorry Don, not everything is about you:).. er maybe you've done that in the past, I think we all do that a little bit sometimes, but this one is directed at a different type of person entirely.. so don't worry about it.

Ronald said...

Sorry Michelle, but you misunderstand, I never meant to say it was about me... that's not what it means at all. In fact, what I meant is quite simple - you make a point about the arrogance of some people to be dismissive of the thoughts and feelings of others, believing themselves to know better? Am I getting this right? Well... it chimed with me, and I realised, if I'm not careful, I can come across in the same way. And in fact, a long time ago, you 'slapped me down' for that very reason. The comment I just made was spontaneous, and I admit it could have been a little more explicit in its meaning, but it certainly doesn't equate to "thinking everything is about me"... when I do start to thinking that's the case I'll let you know, okay?

Cassandra Says said...

It's the "everyone thinks the same way I do" assumption again. Dawn Eden is the queen of this particular logical lapse.
It never seems to occur to this kind of person that, if your body is your home, perhaps you opened the front door and invited someone else inside.