
It's a tough competition..

But I think this article wins for worst ever title for a internet so called news story, so far anyway.

Where holey hosiery is a holy horror

SINGAPORE, Feb 9 (Reuters Life!) - Cut-outs in clothing may be cool, but when in Asia, make sure they stop at your socks.
Just adding the opening paragraph for extra effect. The article itself just says that people in Asia care what your socks look like because they take their shoes off so often, and it's nothing too interesting, so just carry on with whatever you were doing.


R Nicolas said...

So, basically, the guys at Rueters ran out of real news. Must be an epidemic

El Cuervo said...

The sad part is that probably the writer thought that he was been SO clever by coming with that title! He probably worked hours on it and laugh in his head every time he read it.

Or he just wrote it 2 minutes before submitting to the editor. I like option #1 better!