
Post Rehearsal Post

That is, the post about the period in which I am post rehearsal.

Let me try it again.. I had rehearsal today, now I'm post rehearsal, and this is the post about that.

Ok, so this is the rehearsal for the play I'm in.. did I mention I'm in a play? Yeah, might have. It's been a while since I was last cast, and also since the first meeting of the cast.. and I was wondering if I was really part of this at all or if anything was even happening, but finally it's getting going. I'm part of something! It's quite a nice feeling.

So feeling tired, very physical play and as well as all the physical parts of rehearsal there was a lot of warming up and getting in the mood exercises which were quite physical.. might actually be a bit fit by the end of this run...

met a lot of people, met some people I know and have seen every so often over the years, and even acted with, explored places I'd never been. Quite productive day really.

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