
Look, if you can't say anything clever..

Then keep your damn trap shut! Ok, before anyone rushes to accuse me of hypocrisy, I'm not talking about regular folk who bloviate with regularity and whom no one ever listens to.. no harm done there but being a slight annoyance, but if you're the pope for instance.. a person who, regardless of how much influence you should have over people (the answer is none, by the way) has, quite a lot actually, well, you need to be more responsible with the things you say.

For instance;

You can't resolve [the AIDS problem] with the distribution of condoms," the pope told reporters aboard the Alitalia plane heading to Yaounde. "On the contrary, it
increases the problem.
Ok now, remember, this is a serious subject, people are fucking dying.. a lot of people, people who listen to YOU pope.. do you even realize that? Do you even think about how shit like this practically affects people's lives? This isn't just some fucking vehicle for you to push your church's views on contraception.. it's about life and death! This shit matters!!! For fucks sake!

It's a bullshit statement. Yeah, yeah I get the church's stance.. and I'm aware of the claim that approving of condoms causes people to be more promiscuous which makes the problem worse.. more worse than not using condoms.. but I don't think anyone who isn't biased towards that conclusion believes it. It's illogical. And if you're going to throw out a remark like that, you need to explain much better than that why, and then provide evidence. Preferably with links.

I don't know whether he believes it or is just towing the Vatican line. Stupid or evil? And yeah I did partly write this just so I could put up a picture of the Pope hailing Satan. As he does.


Ric said...

It seems that the previous pope was uncharacteristically articulate as popes go. We seem to have regressed to the mean, unfortunately.

Michelle said...

Yes, he's a bit abrasive isn't he. You'd think the church would select someone who, amongst the other qualifications is able to portray their thoughts in a respectful manner would be necessary in these days but instead they chose someone who's more a direct thought line, that's what I reckon anyway.