
Some rather charming weather we're having..

My house..
Originally uploaded by Ms Kat.
Still no snow, and no sign of it coming. I have been blessed with a few rather lovely sunny days though. I took the opportunity to walk around a bit and stake out a few properties that I'm thinking of moving into one of these days when the lottery or that starring role works out for me. What do you think of this oen? Sure it needs a paint job, maybe a bright pink with green trimming, and a bit of work on the garden, perhaps a few giraffe and flamingo sculptures, but it ain't half bad and with a bit of work I think it could scrub up ok.


R Nicolas said...

Looks promising, and I can see where a flock of plastic yard flamingoes would just set of the architecture.

Also a few garden gnomes would give it a good bit of tbsygism.

I'll be sure and say a prayer for your lottery entries.

Anonymous said...

I think this one was for sale few years back for about 2 000 000 euro. Bargain.

Ronald said...

Now that's what I call character. You don't get those sort of houses here in the UK. Instead, we're into predictable, rectangular conformity. This house looks like a cross between Norman Bates' house (in the film Psycho) and hollywood's idea of a Transylvanian luxury residence. Marvellous.

Don't complain too much about the lack of snow. It's my bet, when you do get it, we'll get a crop of posts complaining about 'how fucking miserable and cold it is'. And please, don't go out in it, I remember a year or so ago, when one evening, you had a difference of opinion with the pavement.

Anonymous said...

We finally got snow here. About 5 inches overnight last Sunday and then some more on Thursday. I personally love snow and it was cool to bring out the Uggs.