
When one fails..

then one thing to do, particularly if one, like myself, is the sort to throw up their hands and say "what's to be done with this" about stuff, is give up. Others go more by the saying try and try again, or something like that

Anyway for once I'm gong to try to succeed at something. It's a modest task, but one which I did fail the last time I tried... although I did just finish yet another 365 project where I took and uploaded a self portrait and not always a terrible one for every day for a whole year so maybe I'm not completely useless for doing stuff... and it is to write at least one post here in this blog, every day for a month. I wrote most days of November, but I missed 3. It's still the 1st of December in my time zone and here is post #1, and maybe I'll manage to do all the other days, in any case I'll try.

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