
It just goes to show..

What I was feeling yesterday, was nothing less than the truth. The me of Meisner in my class was exactly the me that I thought long and hard about yesterday. I did it, I was affected by my mood which needless to say was bad, and I was feeling slightly ill as well.. that came out, but mostly I was just repressed, buttoned up, tightly wound, holding back, uptight and all manner of other uncomplimentary things which fit me perfectly.

It's just so hard! And by it I mean everything.. the meisner stuff, work stuff, life!

*pouts and stuff*


Ronald said...

Just goes to show. I don't know you. You feeling more self-aware now?

Michelle said...

Um.. I dunno... whatever

Michelle said...

See below comment...

Michelle said...

I mean.. see the comments to the post below.. or above I mean.. I think it discusses this sort of thing.. sort of.