
I feel productive.. somewhat..

I decided to go early, to the casting, the proper professional one, that an actual agency I signed up with (finally) sent me on. To reward me for my earliness I didn't have to wait very long, not at all... after about 10-15 minutes, with a filling in o paper, a bunch of us were let into the room, our pictures taken and... that's it. For some of us anyway, not sure what that means, and I can't help thinking that they could have gotten our photos from the agency.. oh well.

Later on at the film school I actually read a few lines, I think I did ok, not brilliant, and once again have no idea how it contributes to the likelihood of me doing some acting sorta stuff next week. Once again.. I'll see.

And.. that's it. I seemed so much more interesting at the time. Or maybe not.

I am intending on going away this weekend, somewhere out of the city for once. I'm quite hoping it happens.


Ronald said...

Fingers crossed, or 'holding thumbs' as they say in South Africa.

You're going away? You can't do that, I'm all vulnerable and stuff at the moment. How am I supposed to cope over the weekend? I already had to manage a week without you when I went on that cruise last week. You can be so thoughtless and selfish.


Have a great time.

Michelle said...

well.. right now, the very thought of getting up at a reasonable hour (ie 8am to 2pm) tomorrow to go on a day trip or a possible weekend getaway seems like something I might not want to do *burps*.. um...

I'll see. I will get out of this city some time this weekend.. I swear I will.. maybe for a couple of hours :Z

Michelle said...

It's next morning... I'm up.. and, well I'd still like to go, but perhaps not as early as I thought I would..

and I got this cramp in my leg and it's kind of hurting and stuff.. *pouts and stuff*

Ronald said...

I had two large glasses of white wine last night and now I feel less than enthusiastic at the prospect of visiting the old bird, aka, mother. I swear I'll become tee-total someday. See ya later. Enjoy the day.

Michelle said...

Hehe.. I wish I'd just 2 glasses, large or otherwise of anything last night.. or wisely stuck to the "a beer" part of the suggestion we should "go have a beer" at this local place because it was near somewhere I needed to go and couldn't be arsed to walk all the 10 minute walk over there just for that...

well.. a beer turned to 2, that turned to 3 and the waiter just kept bringing us beers when we were about finished before we asked for them, in traditional Czech style so.. ya know.

I don't feel so hungover but not exactly like getting out there right now.. and the other party of this trip doesn't feel so great today either.. so we'll take it relatively easy.

Ronald said...

What are you like, the pair of you! :-)

Michelle said...

Terrible.. utterly terrible. The one weekend we actually plan to go anywhere.. I mean anywhere, just out of the city and we decide to get all fucked up the night before. I consider that silly.