Here's something groovy I came across while perusing my favourite sites and blogs. It's a collection of mug shots of women from the 40s, brought to us by Swapatorium, a blog dedicated to showing off cool, trashy, interesting antique stuff.
Of course being the 40s all the women look fabulous, like film stars. My favourite is Violet, She's such a cutie. And the coolest chick alive, I want to be her when I grow up.

It's hard to believe that any of these ladies did anything illegal, they all look so nice! The owner believes that most of them were picked up for something called
solicitation, so I guess women doing lawyery type work was illegal then. Those sexist pigs! I'm so glad we have equality now. We don't even have to fix our lipstick before getting mugshots taken. That's progress for you!
The ladies from that period do have a certain look, that's for sure. But personally I think all solicitors should be locked up, or even shot - they charge the earth for a simple consultation you know. What a terrible society we live in.
But about those poor prositutes who are forced to live outside the law, typically under the 'guidance' of gangsters or men of dubious intent? It should be legalised. Where there's demand you'll always get supply, and let's face it, men aint going to stop shagging just yet. What a waste of fucking money chasing these girls and their punters, prosecuting them, and in a lot of cases, imprisoning them. Trying to maintain an anachronistic idea of men and morality is costing us a fucking fortune. Hiss and boo to the politicians for pandering to the moral minority. Wankers.
Yeah, I think that prostitution shouldn't be illegal too. Not because men deserve, or have a right to be serviced sexually by females any way they want, but because these women should not be criminalised. I don't think the men should be either, I just think society has fucked up our relationship with sexuality that this sort of shit happens.
I have to agree with you. It has nothing to do with rights, it's simply a service, meeting a demand. And it's a myth that supposes prositution is inherently demeaning and only entered into under duress. There's some shrewd women out there who have entered the profession willingly and are piling up a nice pension fund thank you very much. That's more than most can say. Good luck to them.
Hiss. Hiss
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