
I think another drink is in order.

That number just keeps getting bigger. *sighs* I now have an age that consists of the number 7 and the number 3, and though the numbers are arranged in the more favourable (for me) order, it still is a bigger number than it previously was, and this has a tendency to make me the slightest bit melancholy.

But whatever.. it's my birthday, birthdays are supposed to be fun, and though I partied for it already, and spent all yesterday being punished for a relatively modest celebration, I am positively forced to drink again today, it being my real birthday and all. Just a few quiet glasses of wine in a local bar this time. I shan't get carried away or anything. I swear I won't. Honestly, it's a Monday, and I have a class tonight, and.. those reasons are enough. Besides, not a good time for getting real drunk around here, it seems to think it's winter.. and late winter, like January or whenever, I mean, snow in November isn't unheard of, it usually does, a little bit. It snowed a bit on Saturday, very little, and there has been a thin cover of snow on the types of places snow hangs about, but this morning we woke up to a full cover of white, and it still snowing so.. happy winter.. wee hee.. happy birthday to me.

Now I have to go think of an activity for this class tonight... will the stress never end!


Ramb Ling said...

Happy Birthday! You're cracking me up. I thought I was the only one drinking before my monday night classes.

Michelle said...

I'm sure there are plenty out there.. I don't usually drink before class, though I have been known to.. after class though, I have a habit of getting kidnapped.

Anyway I'm going out for a very respectable, very quiet, drink now..

Ronald said...

Hope your class went well. One last time - Happy Birthday :-)

Michelle said...

um.. actually didn't go. I'm feeling unwell again, this time of the cold/flu variety.. fucking sucks.. I've avoided it all these months just to get it on my birthday!



Michelle said...

I did go out for a bit of wine though :) Just the one, and it's very close...