
If there actually is a difference between "now" and "whenever"..

You might have noticed I've been feeling down lately. Or at least expressing myself on the blog in way which would lead one to believe that if in fact, the me that I present here, is based at least somewhat on the real me, that I am, in fact, feeling a bit down.

Then again, I believe I present myself somewhat as a negative person, in general. Whether it's more pronounced at the proverbial moment, I know not.. really.

There are reasons as I've mentioned though not explained, and yes, those reasons are valid. Then again, there are always reasons, usually some variations of the same ones... and really, right now, the real life concrete stuff that worries me.. the same old shit, not worse than usual.. so why am I so bloody mopey all the time?

yes yes yes, I'm so bloody mopey all the time all the time, but if we just go with the theme that I'm more mopey all the time than usual at the mo then well.. why?

I blame darkness, and rain. These are things I kinda like really. Well not really rain, I'm sorta neutral to negative on it in the way that most people who don't have crops are, but darkness, night, sundown all that, they're kinda cool. The thing is they're cool in their place, at actual night, when you come out of the pub or are strolling the streets being cool. In the afternoon, it's a different matter, when you're setting out to go somewhere, and it also happens to be raining. It kinda sucks, and to be honest, it kinda gets me down.

That's what I think anyway.


Ronald said...

Funny you should mention the 'mopes'. I suffer this time of year with a mild depression, and it's kicked in again recently. I suspect it's Seasonal Affective Disorder, due to a lack of sunlight. I've been considering buying one of those SAD lights which allegedly, are as bright as the sun, giving our brains the quality of light they require. Apparently, they work. What do you think?

Hope your mope doesn't last.

Michelle said...

Well, if it's based on what I think it's based on, and this is as you said, sorta, a real scientific clinical thing that's real and stuff, well.. about 3 months, prob.

I mean, we get a bit of a break with all that festive silly season stuff, if you're the kind of person who's cheered up by that, which luckily I am, to a certain degree, but then you get January... nothing but cold, dark and... um, not much else..

*gets depressed already*

Ronald said...

Oh it's real alright, and in Finland, on the edge of the Arctic circle with it's very short days, I'm led to believe, those lights are big business.

Unlike you, I don't enjoy Xmas, so it doesn't help.


Michelle said...

Oh well that's too bad. I might look into those lights though..