
I got one!

*opening music to ghostbusters starts*

yep.. I got one. A ghost. Well... not so much got, as saw.. well, not necessarily saw but heard. Well.. I heard something, well I think I did.

The people I was in there, the underground that is, old dungeons and torture chambers, certainly think there was something there so I'm going with that..

First there was a noise of something falling or being knocked over. There was a guy sorta standing near something, though nothing had fallen, and he wasn't very close.. and he claimed it wasn't him though I personally would blame breaking some old and valuable artefact on a ghost if I could.. but yeah.. nothing was broken, or fallen so..

and then later on, after one girl had to be escorted out because she was so scared there was something else.. a screeching noise, or something.

So yeah.

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