
And here I thought it was all about orgasms..

I was browsing through my site stats earlier on, and came across someone looking up this,

The feminist agenda is not about equal rights for women. It is about a socialist, anti-family political movement that encourages women to leave their husbands, kill their children, practice witchcraft, destroy capitalism, and become lesbians.
(Blush), I really didn't mean to destroy the family, honest. All I wanted was to have a good time. About those babies, I'm really really sorry, but the Dark Lord was insisting, and those prayers weren't helping any.

The real truth really comes out at the end of the quote. I mean why do you think we really started making such a ruckous way back about a 100 years of more ago? The vote? You think we wanna bother our pretty little heads with boring grownup stuff like that? Give me a break. It's all about the orgasms. I know, I'm sure there's a man out there somewhere who knows how to do it right, but until I meet him and he actually is interested in me, (unlikely as he'd be in rather high demand and very, very busy) I'm sticking with my side.


Anonymous said...

I hate men like that. I mean once again in 2006 we have to state that women are about more than cooking, fucking, and producing babies. I have never understood why a woman with a brain is so threatening to so may men. If they can't take burn them at the stake.

Cranky McGee said...

But if women can give each other orgasms, then what purpose does a man have?

It's all about power. Many men don't want to share.

Anonymous said...

Oh hell, some of us can provide women with orgasms. I'm not saying I can compete with a truly proficient lesbian but I try. In fact I'd like to be in an extended orgasm cometition with a room full of lesbians but that's another story.