
The Point

Do you ever stop to wonder whether there really is one? I mean really really deep down. Sure, there's a point to the stuff you do, getting up to walk over to the fridge, you want a drink, or on a different level you go to work to pay for what you need, ie the drink in the fridge, and you go to school to be able to learn stuff, to be able to work to pay for the drink in the fridge, you hang out with your friends because it's enjoyable, have sex because.. urges, have kids because, I don't know why but people who have them seem to know why (well most of them anyway hopefully) but really, what's the point?

I would answer that but I can't. Not because I don't know the answer but because it can't be answered, not properly anyway if you're going to get technical. I suppose I could say "nothing" but I don't think that's technically correct. The answer, which is not so much an answer but a recognition that it is a flawed question is, there is no point. Really, there isn't. You live you die and what you do in between is filled with points, but ultimately, when you get down to the great mystery of the universe and all that crap, there just sin't one. The thing is though, it doesn't really matter. It doesn't change anything about stuff, whether the stuff has a point to it or not.

That's what I think anyway. Carry on.


Ronald said...

Yes, you're spot on. There is no point. And we only ask the question because we're human beings and we've evolved to poke our noses into the whys wherefores of everything (hence Science). We ask, why does this do this, what makes it do so and why? And it kinda makes sense on a micro basis, at a certain low level, but the problem is (because we just can't help ourselves) we apply the question to the whole fucking infinite immensity of it all, and what do we get? Exactly what you'd expect for being so stupid to ask the question, which after all, is taking the longest perspective possible - from infinity! So instead of becoming defined, as when we get close and personal in real life, everything, all of it, just fades out into a meaningless blur (figuratively cuz I can't possibly know). I reckon human understanding, contrary to popular belief, is limited. Mine is for sure. So tell me Kat, you out on the town tonight? I remember a time when I was convinced doing just that was THE POINT!

Happy Saturday

Ronald said...

And I tell you something else too, it's one of your best posts, and strangely links into your other posts via the consideration of "stuff", but this time, you're considering "the point", which to me is asking the ultimate philosophical question: "why is there stuff, instead of no stuff?". Cool.

Michelle said...

that's a cool question... why is there stuff? and it leads to other questions, what is the stuff for? is the stuff for anything? (well no, we've kind of already answered that but still..) and the big one.. just how did we get all this stuff? Seriously, where does stuff come from? The only conclusion I can ever come to is that it's utterly impossible for there to be such thing as stuff. Ergo there is no stuff..

Michelle said...

oh and I'm not out tonight, spending it in, watchin shows, chillin out, bein online, went to a party last night, didn't get home until just after midnight so yanno.. still got it ;)

Ronald said...

I know how it is, I think. I'm chillin' doin' my Saturday night stop-over with mom. And I'm kind of recovering from a modest drink I had last Thursday! Yanno... I totally lost it :)

Michelle said...

hehe.. yes, I know how that is, well have a pleasant evening, and a lovely Sunday