
Perplexing, baffling, and flabbergasting.

I wonder why, and am none too pleased with, when I clean the place properly, as opposed to sweeping up a bit of particularly offensive floor and look at the stains and think I really should get around to mopping that bit at least.. I succeed in spreading the cat litter spread around this admittedly tiny flat more than anything.

Why do I even bother? Well usually I don't..


Ronald said...

There's more to life than having one's dwelling, "Just so". I can admire a woman who's not totally neurotic about that sort of thing. I think the word verification says it all - colocks! S'true, that's what it is!

Michelle said...

Yeah..well it not being clean bothers me. I like stuff being clean, and even tidy though I'm more untidy than I am unclean. I mean.. I'm reasonably clean. you know, passable.. but getting up and fixing it all up properly is something I can't be assed to do usually.. and I can make myself pick a single thing up from the floor pretty easily, but compared to the rate that they land there.. it's grossly insufficient.

Ronald said...

I don't mind cleaning, but I do it in "my time", no one else's. Seems to irritate some. Can't think why :-)

How's the cough?

Michelle said...

Er.. still around. I think it's getting better but who knows if another cough attack will come on.. if I can get through the night without a too serious one I'll be fine..