
And for my 5 year, 2 month, 4 days and about 16 hours..


I present you....

Ok so it isn't. I mean, I don't know.. I guess I've been blogging for about that long. *checks*

Actually it's 5 years, 2 months, 12 days and about 3 hours.. I was pretty close there.

Ok so to the point. It's ridiculous right? An anniversary for 5 years, 2 months, 12.. etc etc. I mean, you might as well call every second of every minute of every hour of every day an anniversary.. even though anniversaries are traditionally days, but if we're going to throw the entire logic of the idea out, we might as well celebrate seconds. With drinks.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not against using any excuse to drink, I just think "I feel like a drink" is a good enough one and I'm not getting any nearer the point. First, here is the origin of the word:

1200–50; ME anniversarie (< AF) < ML ( diēs ) anniversāria anniversary (day), L anniversārius recurring yearly, equiv. to anni- (comb. form of annus year) + vers ( us ) turned, ptp. of vertere ( vert- turn + -tus ptp. suffix) + -ārius -ary
Apart from a whole mess of meaningless symbols, it tells us that the "anni" part of the word comes from the meaning for "year". You see what I mean? See what I mean? Do you?

Well.. ok, so the word is about celebrating something to do with years, we get that, the prefix tells us that pretty strongly... and I know there aren't people out there celebrating their 5 year, 2 month etc anniversaries, not too much anyway.. but 6 month anniversary? 4 month anniversary? 2 week anniversary? All the fucking time!

And I just want to point out it's wrong that's all. The prefix says so. So stop it.


Ronald said...

I fink I've grappssed it... anni means, year, right? Anway, I don't fink I want to talk about extended blogging periods... hrrmph!

Cheers! Skol! Up yer klunge, and other similar toasts.

Michelle said...

Um.. yeah.

Thanks for taking what I said seriously.

*looks all huffy and stuff*

Michelle said...

Although, I have been out in the bar these last few hours..


shabbat shalom

Ronald said...

Happy Anniversary! Hugs

Michelle said...


Michelle said...

Yes.. 61 years since the declaration of war... what would we have done without it.. :Z