years, there is a 29th day of February.
Here we are.. an extra day of the year to take a leap, get something done, live a bit extra.. personally I have.. I have.. um, well I've...
Here's a picture
One in every 4...
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That about sums it up.
I learned a new word today. Kakistocracy. It means "a system of government that is run by the worst, least qualified, and/or most unscrupulous citizens."
No comment 🙄
Another vaguely palindromic day is coming up on 20-02-2020, ie Thursday, though not quite as exciting as the last time, but one can still observe.
It's also Fat Thursday, which is not some American Pie eating celebration but the last Thursday before Lent and strangely enough it's a day of feasting. Not so much a day of praying but nevertheless St Vitus Cathedral, at home in Prague Castle (one of) my workplace(s) is opened only limited hours that day for "liturgical" reasons, and Fat Thursday seems to be the only Catholic holiday happening that day, so they might make that work. Either that or the Archbishop has a thing.
Anyway I'm not even there on Thursday but I thought I'd mention it anyway.
This is not St Vitus Cathedral, but St George's Basilica, and convent, also at Prague Castle.
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02/02 2020
Hey nerds, it's here! First completely palindromic date since 11/11 1111, which likely passed by with nary a notice by the average peasant, too busy ploughing the fields and eating turnips and dying of the plague to appropriately celebrate this momentus occasion. Don't know what day it is or even the year? No excuse!
Yeah I know the plague came later. The fever then, the common cold, anything really. Point is they didn't pay attention. Or at least I have no evidence that they did and assume, without any further investigation, that they didn't.
So it's up to us to mark this date. Which I just did, so that's done. I'm leaving you with an image that is entirely unrelated to the subject.
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Fabulous February..
or Fab Feb, as one would obviously shorten it too. It's here, meaning the ominous month of January is over, at least for this year.
I'm afraid there's not much change. All my problems haven't disappeared, and nothing spectacularly unrealistic has happened to make things infinitely brighter, and it's been 19 hours already! I'm a tad disappointed.
However the month does hold some gems, particularly this year and especially if you're a bit of a nerd, as I am.
First of all it's (along with September) Alliteration Month, something I'm sure was just made up by me but it means that it holds days where the day/date/month all begin with the same letter. This Feb only has one which falls on Friday the 14th of Feb. Which brings me to...
Valentine's Day, on the 14th... Alliteration Day...the day o' love. Doesn't really count as I don't really celebrate this bullshit Capitalist holiday, but it's still there if you're into that sort of thing.
This year we get a bonus February day, being a leap year, and Leap Day which isn't an official term as far as I know, but I'm not the only one to use it, which means all those people born on the 29th of February get to have another birthday, after a 4 year break. The rest of us just get to take a leap and do something adventurous, which also isn't necessarily a custom but it was on an episode of Frasier and it's as good a reason as any to do something..
Spoiler alert. I almost certainly won't do anything exciting or different or even the least bit interesting on the 29th.
Now, drumroll please, we've come to the most exciting one. Tomorrow February the 2nd is palindrome day!!! The date is the same backwards as it is forwards, and I mean with the whole date with the full year and everything!
Well you need to put an 0 before the date and month, but you should anyway. Then you get..
02/02 2020
Isn't that just remarkable? And it works whatever order you do the date in, whether it's the American way or the right way. A very rare occurence, it hasn't happpened since like 1111.
Tomorrow's also Groundhog Day where a rodent tells of the coming (or not) of the early spring. And the annual rewatch of the Bill Murray film of the same name, for people who do that kind of thing.
Happy Nerdy February all!!!!
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