
For once I had it good.

And then it stopped. Of course, during the time it was good I was too busy being unhappy about other not good things, or the lack of other good things to appreciate how good it was. Now I do, but I don't have it. It's just typical. It was almost unfair how good a deal I had, for a little while. I mean it's overall fair because as I mentioned earlier on and go on and on about at length, there is a lot that is shitty for me and much lacking, so I reckon for once I deserve a good deal. Well I had it. Maybe not for too long but I had it. Guess that's it for me, that's all the luck dried up. All downhill from here.


Anonymous said...

Okay, you've whet what might be called my innate curiosity by alluding to "something", so now I want to know more details. I make no apologies for being nosey.

For what it's worth here are some random details of my current life: I just got back from a 2 week cruise along the coasts of Spain and Portugra; I fucked up my lower back a week before going and it still hurts; as usual, I'm a little on the depressed side, and don't really know why.

Michelle said...

well it's to do with work. I was doing it and whining about it all the time though I did prefer certain aspects to others, then they changed stuff and I realized that I'd had a really good deal before and I'd wasted all that time whining about how it wasn't quite perfect... now I long for the good old days and I'd totally appreciate it all if it came back honest I would

Anonymous said...

Sadly, it's difficult not to take what we have for granted. Only the other day when I was at sea sitting on the cabin balcony overlooking the Mediterranean, I realised (as the warm sun bathed my skin), what a wonderful place Birmingham was in October and how I missed it...

Nah, just kidding, but I do understand what you mean. I bet very few people count their blessings each and every day.