

This post is going to be about nothing.


I'd write about something but my attempts of late to write about an actual subject have been lame. Meaningless, repostings of stuff around the web without further comment or just photos of me. So I'll just stick to saying nothing.

Back to pointless drivel about boring crap tomorrow.


Anonymous said...

Your photography is good and the posts you write about "nothing" are amongst the best. I've seen weblogs where the author has posted a couple of screenfuls of text, purporting to be about something, but on close inspection it's about nothing. The Net is full of that shit. The difference is, you recognise when your posts are about nothing, and thereby, you give them substance. And the fact that I can write so much, about the allegedly "nothing" post, proves it! I drink to you, Pussycat!

The Culture Ghost said...

Nothing comment.

All done.

Anonymous said...

You'd be very popular if you posted lots of pics of yourself :) Do what makes you happy Michelle.

Ronald said...

Or, from the perspective of the selfish bastard:-

Photo lady of the Net,
I know you're busy snapping Yet,
Your skill at writing often shines
So much so that at these times
When you're away I get so pissed
Which demonstrates how much you're missed.
So spare a thought for me on here
And get yo writing ass in gear!

Pavel said...

Hehe, genial post.