
Summing it all up

Stay positive, they say, no matter how grim things get, there's always tomorrow, you never know what will happen... blah blah 

And they're right. A positive attitude is more likely to bring forward a positive outcome. Probably. Eventually.

But fuck it. I've been burnt too many times with naive beliefs that things will be better. Ok the beliefs come rarely and stay briefly, but it doesn't ever really work.

2022, in a nutshell. Most likely.

If it turns out better, I get the joy of being pleasantly surprised.


Twenty Twenty Two

Happy New trip around the sun. It's all very meaningful and shit.. I know. I'm determined this one shall be different! 

Of course I actually have no control of these things and there's still room for it to get worse so...

It's the year of the tiger. At least it will be in February. I'm sure that means something very exciting but I can't be bothered to look it up.

They really should have New Year's a different time of year. January sucks enough generally, but when you have a shitty commission only sales job (which you're not particularly skilled at) which relies heavily on tourist presence (close to non-existent after the festive season especially when it's only just post or not even post pandemic times) so you're worried about even having barely enough money to survive a few weeks from now because you didn't make enough money during December to last you long because they fucked the tourist season here by putting in Covid restrictions that turned out to be useless anyway... then it sucks quite more. Oh and it's cold.. in this part of the Northern Hemisphere anyway. 

But yeah. Yay 2022 🥂🎶🎸