
I'm gonna rouge my knees..

and roll my stockings down.

Or the socks anyway... whatever the 20s needs an update 👽

So here comes another year and even a new decade (well unless you insist it doesn't begin until 2021 but that's no fun)

It's gonna be the 20s! Finally a decade with a proper name!

Time for 2020's resolutions:

1. Do all the stuff I've been wanting/needing to do and going on about doing all these years, (see this very blog for about the last 15? years of said things).

2. Actually do the resolutions I set myself for the year.

That's it. Happy New Year, have a groovy night and a wonderful 2020! 😀😎😈🍸🎻👻😻🤡


Merry Christmas!

From all of us here at Mutant Cat. 🎅☃️😺🎄👻